Congress Urged to Move Carefully on DC Gun Ban (by plaintiff attorney)

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I also have to wonder if what Wayne was telling you was more indicitive of his position, or if he was trying to relate power struggles within the NRA itself?

i.e. a "gravy train" faction vs. an "activist" faction.

I also see the possibility as others have pointed out of an "over cautious" faction within the NRA too, while they'd ally with the activist faction in intent, they'd side with the gravy tran faction in action...
El Tejon, it just seems incredible to me that Wayne LaPierre would tell a relative (presumably?) stranger such a cynical thing that reflects so poorly on him and the NRA. Even if he believes that, it would just be strange to tell anyone other than a trusted friend. Why was he so candid? Is he really stupid? Was he seriously jet lagged? Is it possible you misinterpreted something he said, admittedly 13 years ago? And I agree, even cynically speaking it is a pretty dumb argument, there will be plenty for the NRA to do if Parker goes the right way.

I mean it would be like going up to and shaking the hand of a politician and having him casually tell you "I will do and say anything to get elected, all I want is the power and money" Or going to a job interview and telling the interviewer "I don't care about your company, but I will say anything to get this high paying job". People have plenty of selfish motives to do things, but they usually disguise them :)

Per the Parker case, I think it is a big gamble, and that if they rule that it is a collective right it would be a big psychological and morale blow. And my amateur reading of this court's make-up makes me very uncomfortable.. When it comes to guns all sorts of "police power", "legitimate government interests" and "public safety" arguments become very persuasive to judges.
The NRA may well have been afraid, in the past, of the wrong case going to the wrong Supreme Court at the wrong time.

This is very true and applies to many people here. Go ask if people want a Title II decision from the USSC. Many people will say no and do everything they can think of to convince you that if they are quiet, things will be ok. Everyone has a different opinion on how do accomplish a task and still different opinions on whether that task is even worth attempting based on their own desires.

The NRA had a case, they felt it was better than Parker, they acted according to what they thought was best for their case and their members. You cannot assign nefarious intentions to those actions. It turns out they were wrong, Parker went forward and their case did not. If they don't support the Parker outcome and put some muscle behind it (which they won't be allowed to do I'm sure) then I would believe they were dishonest in their actions.
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