Contact ACLU about Heller Decision

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Matt King

Apr 17, 2006
That is the phone number for the ACLU. It's important that you contact them about whether or not they will start supporting the Second Amendment. IIRC, in the past they didn't because they believed in the collective right interpretation.

Be polite but make sure to make the point that the ACLU should defend the whole constitution!

Ask them if they will be supporting the NRA lawsuit against the Chicago Handgun Ban, since clearly that ban is unconstitutional.

Please no cynical comments about how "left-wing" the ACLU is or how this is all somehow a waste of energy.
Heck, JOIN the ACLU... And then see what they do next year when a few hundred thousand (or more...) members threaten to quit.

And now at least one genius is going to tell us that the ACLU is against guns (no-duh... that's what we're trying to CHANGE, genius), and some subgenius who sorta missed the Reagan years is going to call them the american communist something something... lemme tell you something, bubba... Name calling doesn't do squat. We have a chance, a VALID chance, to take them over from within.

I feel evil.
"The Nevada ACLU respects the individual's right to bear arms subject to constitutionally permissible regulations,"
So, no regulations? Sweet!
We have a chance, a VALID chance, to take them over from within.
That would be one heck of a take-over. If only the national ACLU respected the individual rights position. Link
bogie said:
Heck, JOIN the ACLU... And then see what they do next year when a few hundred thousand (or more...) members threaten to quit.

That was my hypothesis as well. Three things wrong with it:

1. They have already had a huge number of members quit over this, they don't care.

2. You cannot direct your donations. IOW any money you give them now, could potentially be used to fight against the 2a.

3. There are other organizations that do similar work.
I am sorry, there is no way I can support the ACLU after things they have done in the past and will undoubtedly do again. Do your research before you make a mistake.
I joined both the NRA and ACLU. Why wouldn't I want to support all groups that support the Constitution.
I disagree w/ the ACLU on some issues. That doesn't mean that we shouldn't try to get them to support The Second Amendment.
The national ACLU isn't going to support the 2nd Amendment no matter what we do. The plus side is that they generally do a good job defending other constitutional violations.

The solution I see is join the ACLU to help protect most constitutional freedoms. Next, join the NRA or GOA to protect the 2nd Amendment. I doubt the ACLU is going to support gun grabber organizations that are perfectly capable of mounting their own assaults on our firearm freedoms. Its just not something they are going to spend money on.
I joined both the NRA and ACLU. Why wouldn't I want to support all groups that support the Constitution.

Because it's debatable as to whether the ACLU really supports the Constitution.
Cue the posters coming in here to tell us that the ACLU are godless commies ruining the country...
Cue the posters coming in here to tell us that the ACLU are godless commies ruining the country...

You rang?

I'm never joining the ACLU. Not for this, not even if they came about 180 and cut and pasted GOAs platform into theirs. The ACLU supports way too much socially corrosive nonsense in the false name of supporting the Constitution.
You don't have to agree with them, just call them & ask if they will support the Second Amendment!
Cue the posters coming in here to tell us that the ACLU are godless commies ruining the country...

Well, the ACLU was formed by a self-described godless commie. Does that count? :D

There are other organizations that do similar work.


If you look at the overall history of the ACLU, you will find that they are NOT a pro gun organization; quite the opposite in fact.

If the ACLU is so good at supporting our constitution, and they are so pro liberty/freedom/et al, then why do they take such a dim view of the 2nd amendment?
Well, it earned its godless commie reputation and it's had a hard time shaking it. John

"Members elected during the first sixty years of the organization, almost eighty percent had Communist affiliations. A full ninety percent of the cases that [the ACLU] defended involved Communists. And as a result, it was stigmatized as a "Communist Front' organization itself."

- Trial and Error - The American Civil Liberties Union and its Impact on Your Family, George Grant, p.63, Wolgemuth & Hyatt, Publishers, Inc. (1st. ed. 1989) "
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