Cougar Has Claws, Hiker Has Pistol

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Oh, you mean the one where everything east of the San Andreas Fault falls into the Atlantic Ocean?

Gotta water proof my hi-cap mags, assault rifles and library in case that happens.

Better yet, how about quakes on BOTH sides. That way, California,
Mao-tse-chusetts, Fairyland, etc. all go away! Maybe Teddy Kennedy could drive Diane Feinstein somewhere near the water! :neener:

I would be happier with this story if: ...B) there had been some indication that the hiker will be billed for the $700+/hour the chopper ride cost taxpayers.

I'd have to take issue with this: Morally speaking, the public is not responsible for the irresponsible decisions that our government "servants" make with the toys they aquire the use of at our expense. I rather doubt that Cody instructed the sherrif's dept to send a helicopter, and if the sherrif's overreacted to the danger and spent taxpayer money irresponsibly, as the F&G official claims, that's an issue of misuse of public funds.

After all, it is the government that enforces the law against shooting mountain lions, leaving people only with the option of calling 911.

"From a police officer's standpoint," Lt. Hayward Miller said, "I don't believe it's a good idea for them to carry weapons out there. I believe there are an adequate amount of resources to protect the public."

So, do I sue this guy the next time something goes down in that park?

Or is he going to follow me around with a KAC SR-25 in .308 and pop any threats to my safety that ever occur?
rickster said:
Sawdust, Let us know what , if any, reply you get from the sheriff.
This is all I have received so far; it came on Friday not long after I sent my email:

"Thank you for your comment. I will pass it on to the right people.

IMHO, any time a carnivore stands and looks unafraid at a human, he's a threat or will be in the future. If he's not afraid, the next step is "that thing looks edible, I think I'll try a bite."

The acclimation by animals to the presence of humans and said humans having no adverse effect on them is the reason for the increase of bear/lion attacks here in CO, and a DOW rep has said so.
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