Countries with high crime, low crime, no guns, lots of guns.

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wacki said: That wasn't my goal. My goal was to poke holes in other peoples arguments.

Then go check out that book and look into the issues for yourself. Its got more information, with documentation, than you'll get on an internet forum. And, once you go through the process of reading, you internalize the matter and make it yours. That doesn't happen when we do it for you.
The handgun is an interesting phenomenon. It's macro effects are small or undetectable (i.e. they don't affect the outcome of military engagements or greatly affect crime rates), but their micro effects are significant (i.e. night-day difference for an individual soldier defending himself or a civilian crime victim).

The value of handguns can't easily be detected by looking at macro effects.
Why does no one just state the obivous?

it isn't the presence or absence of general gun ownership, it is the way the guns are USED. But perhaps this is a little too obvious to be understood, or believed.

The Middle East was mentioned, and while there are large numbers of guns, the primary use is commiting violence, for a politically or religously inspired purpose.

Swirzerland has lots of guns in the hands of its citizens, but their primary use is sporting and for militia purposes.

It isn't the tool (and it never was), it is the use to which the tool is put.

There is nothing on earth (including ideas) that cannot be mis-used by someone with the intention of doing just that.

And the only answer some people can come up with is to treat us all as children. And particularly incompetent children at that. "You can't have that, because you might get hurt, or hurt someone else." That is what a parent says to an irresponsible child.

While there are a lot of children (who inhabit adult bodies) in the world, I do not grant anyone the authority to arbitrarily decide I am one of them. If my actions indicate that I am, then I am. But until and unless that happens, I am not, and should not be considered as such.

That to me is the most irritating thing about the whole gun control issue. That some people, because they won a popularity contest and got elected, or because they went to the "right" schools, or because they made a lot of money, or believe in the "correct" political philosophy, that they believe that they have a God given right and authority to decide whether or not I am a competent, responsible individual, and requiring me to prove it to their sastisfaction in order to allow me to exercise my right to make my own decisions!

The concept is prior restraint, and I find it abhorrant! Bad enough in an oligarchy, but in a society that claims to uphold freedom and liberty it is the very death of those concepts.

If you have enough money, you can go to someplaces in the world, and own and use any tools you want. You just have to pay for the privledge.
Misuse the tools, and money may get you out of the consequences. On the other hand, it may not.
You will have high crime in any place when, the fear of incarceration is not there, movies that show the only way out of the hood is with a weapon and takeing people out. The laws we have today should be enforced to stop and deter people from using guns to get ahead in life. I have emailed the supreme court several times saying that public executions should be carried out,and the student body of schools should see what happens to murders, rapist, and other crimes of that nature. You would cut crime dramaticly in the first year.
vmfrantz: cannot agree with you more, a lot of people in my history class thought I was extreme when I explained to them I believe that a public execution is a good thing. Bring back the guillotine, society as a whole has forgotten the cost of violent crimes because they lock these people away and send us the bill for their internment.

I am so glad to hear there are some people that agree with me on this. I feel that most people in this country cant draw a line in the sand and say this will happen to you if you cross it. I feel dismay everytime the majority gets punished for what a minority of people do. Not just towards the 2d amendmet. Such as the soccer league here in Lancaster PA. The parents are not allowed to cheer:eek: or there kid will not play. A rule brought on because of a few parents that get out of control. When I read or hear of things like this I just cant belive how the majority is made to suffer with no real punishment to the trouble makers. :cuss:
To much leeway if you ask me,courts are doing the same thing nowadays, give'em life in prison,no death penalty and no hard labor, come on we have penetentaries full of FREE LABOR!!! Lets use it, people are becoming totally desensitized due to television and video games. I have no problem with violence on TV and in games btw, my solution is to have a couple of public executions a year thin out the prison herd and put the rest to work. Might staighten us out a little.
Nother good point socalshooter.. Prison life is to easy. I've known a person who violated probation. Get this, because he was haveing it to hard and couldnt keep up with his bills. He said atleast ther he had 3 hots and a cot. I get :cuss: every time I think of it. I'm on my job eating a crappy cold sandwich while its freezing out and I'm buying these clowns a hot lunch and cable tv to enjoy until supper. Where is the bleeding heart librals for me. Oh they are at the jail house with the aclu because some gaurd made to much noise while the inmates were trying to sleep. Another true story.
Locked up sucks true and confinement can be very hard but a lot of these people have television and decent meals, free gym membership so on and so forth, what happened to a time when prisons were just that, hell holes and you did not want to end up in one, from some of the programs I have seen on tv they dont have it that horrible.

Prison can be dangerous and definetly a horrible place to be but lets atleast put these people to work.
Yeah the whole humane treatment thing is a little softy in my opinion. If you commit a capital punishment...then why are we not treating you like you did? I am not advocating torture, but definetly advocating hard labor, california has a lot of brush area that needs to be cleared away.
where's joe arpio when you need him. One of our previuos govenor promised to "Bring the joy of busting rocks" to our prison pop hasn't nor will it happen till the public has a craw full.
when I was in the USMC, the prisoners on base were alway doing things like that. Cutting grass picking up trash. Imgine walking along route 24 or 17 in your orange suit for all the tourist and passing people to see. :evil:
I just dont understand the whole "no hard labor" thing, its a hell of a lot better than sitting in a cell all day atleast your gonna be outside, your working hard yeah but atleast that is truley paying your debt back rather than sitting on your arse all day.
Just to screw with the young kids. They should take the worst criminals and work them until a few die a few times a year. Put that on the news. Maybe I will watch then.
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