Damn Scary

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Umm, I am German(partly, also Irish and American Indian) and we've been here for 120+ years(that I can trace back confidently). I live near Amish(Mennonite) country and my kid's school has the pure pleasure of playing basketball against em. They speak English the vast majority of the time, and their communities are religious based not, specifically, ethnically so.

So ethnic communities are bad? Little Kabul in Fremont is Afhgan ethnically and Muslim religiously. Is this bad in your mind? They speak Farsi, eat Afghan food, fly their Afghan and tribal flags next to their American flags.

Frankly I am amazed at the inability of some to differentiate between immigration, past and present, vs the manipulation of the system that we are seeing today. THIS is a different phenomenon, driven by the nanny state for the most part, and falling back on past "examples", or trotting out whatever PC label makes one feel better is not dealing with it.

Whose fault is that? Who let the immigrants in? Who let the borders be softened? Who allowed people to come in and do the jobs others did not and now are pissed that they won't leave? Who allowed the Nanny State to exist? Who elected the leaders that started this path? YOUR ancestors. My ancestors. All of our parents and gradparents. Who suffers? The immigrants looking for a better life that are never told what America is really about. The immigrants who get told that they are not wanted and stay within their own communities, never forming a bond with their new nation. Never realizing what a great nation we live in.

Your weak grasp on history is also apparent in your statements. You obviously have NO clue what the climate in this country was like even 100 years ago. Reading books by real historians will shed some light on this to you. Reading works by psudo-historians and psudo-intellectuals published on the internet will further blind you from the truth. Go ahead. Keep consuming the Kool-Aid. You are convinced that it is true with little real evidence.

For the last time, get out of your hole and look around. Your myopic worldview is scary, not immigration. Immigration is a fact of life in the Imperial Rome of the modern world. We have it, most do not.

This crap belongs at Stormfront. I'm done here. I'm not going to associate myself with this crap. It's no wonder gun owners have such a bad rap. Bye.
Ya know, I wrote a long diatribe to you, Schiz. But I erased it because there's a much simpler reply to you:

Please show where I said anything that could in any way by any rational person without an agenda be interpreted to indicate I see any "problem" with ethnic communities.

Please show where I in any way indicated any acceptance of any of the sub-par research which you appear to be intimately familar with.

Please show where and how my observation of the fact of the damage and differences between our current nanny-state and past immigration indicates any faulty knowledge of history.

Please tell why you chose to ignore the bulk of the post.

Please try to explain and defend this baseless and ignorant personal attack,
For the last time, get out of your hole and look around. Your myopic worldview is scary
especially in light of the fact it has nothing to do with anything I have said. OTOH it does appear to reflect you quite well, but I may be pursuaded to withdraw my currently accurate observation if, maybe, you can even slightly explain any of your disjointed and unsupported attack-dog rambling. Until then, have wonderful day...or not.
I'm sorry, but I just can't take any website seriously that advertises books on how to survive the coming collapse.

I can't take anyone seriously whose first name is "Frosty" :)
The Deck Division on my destroyer was a rainbow coalition that Jesse wouldn't necessarily approve of because of how much we disliked communists and Iranians who took potshots at us. In a group of about 35-45 men between the ages of 18 and 35 years old we had:

Poles from Chicago and Milwaukee
Latinos from California
Samoans from the Central Pacific
A Filipino
A Truk Islander
Blacks from Houston, Mississippi, San Diego, Detroit, Memphis, and the Carolinas
Whites from Oregon, (yours truly), Florida, Missouri, Appalachian hill country and just about everywhere at some point.
Mixed race folks of all kinds, Tejanos, part Native Americans, what have you.
Curiously, we had no one from East or South Asia, and no one from the Middle East.

My senior chief was a Polish Jew with a second generation accent.
Our Chief who'd just been frocked was a black man from the scummiest part of East St. Louis.
My First was a half white/half Mexican guy from SoCal who is still one of the funniest men I have ever known in part because of his perspective on race relations. "I just set out to offend everybody equally."

Nevertheless, despite our differences, we had each others' backs, every day of my hitch, and especially at sea and in foreign locales. We were testy brothers when we bickered about our differences and perceived or real slights, but especially tight ones when we banded together when the chips were down, when the weather was getting to everybody during a midnight refueling, the watch was too long, the fresh water condensers broke down and no one could shower, when confronted in bar fights by hostile natives or by Marines, or when Iranian motorboats shot 12.7mm too close for comfort, because when push came to shove, we had more in common than not.

Being an American is more a state of mind than it is a question of where one is from or how far removed they are from their accent.

I don't fear for the nation's future because of immigration or immigrants because it has ever been thus. I take note that we forget that not everyone adapts inside of a generation because it takes about two or three for most people's kids and habits and whatnot to be pretty much like everyone elses.

There have always been immigrant gangs and the like, whipped to crisis status by the media, which is always looking for a way to move both their product and those of their advertisers. It has ever been thus too.

However, I do also sympathize with those folks who live on the border who see their private property rights trampled by people that the government is charged with the duty to keep out. Through the assumption of a monopoly on force and custody the FEDGOV has made a compact with those property owners to mount effective efforts at safeguarding them and theirs. That definitely needs addressing, politically, especially since the courts have decided that our governments retain sovereign immunity for slipshod or downright non-performance by law enforcement authorities.
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