DC Liberal attacks Pink Pistols

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That's just...inane. I do really like Pink Pistols, however. They're a group who clearly need effective protection.

On an unrelated note, I'm seriously considering duracoating my (carry) m1991A1 in pink. I think it'd be absolutely hilarious. :D

Edit: To clarify, pink is one of my favorite colors. I'm comfortable with manhood.
my 2 cents:

Help me connect the dots: A few weeks ago Teresa Lavenue bid $810 and bought a pink Glock 9 mm pistol at an auction run by the Northern Virginia Friends of NRA. Around the same time, the member of a female gang in Southeast D.C. showed off a pink-handled pistol to a volunteer trying to quell teen violence in Anacostia.

Great way to start, drawing a false analogy between a law abiding citizen buying a gun while supporting a pro-rights organization and a criminal gang member displaying the same type of pistol.

Lets see how well this works. Well, the author of this piece drives X automobile and there is this convicted of child molester that also drives X automobile...

Pink pistols — cute and deadly — are the latest marketing gimmick by our makers of Saturday night specials and sophisticated semiautomatic weapons.

“They are targeting a female market,” says Ronald “Moe” Moten, co-founder of Peaceoholics. “It’s just like cell phones. These guns are not for hunting.”

There we go, another fool with the “guns are only ok for hunting” mantra. As for marketing to women, what has this world come to when women are viewed as a equally important segment of a social market? Someone should tell some feminists groups this guy thinks it’s okay to deny women the means to defend themselves because they aren’t worth as much (in marketing dollars) as men.

Before every gun-toting NRA member paints a red dot on my forehead, let me assure you I have owned rifles since I was a teenager. My first was a Mossberg .22 that I hunted with for years until I traded it for a canoe. I’ve used pump-action shotguns and 30-30s to hunt deer.

So you are also a blatant hypocrite on two counts. First, it is okay for you to legally own your own firearms for hunting but it is not okay for others to legally own theirs for reasons other than hunting. Second, it is only natural to assume that you were attracted to the particular weapons you bought because something about them (aesthetics, design features, brand name, etc.). What about others that are attracted to a firearm based on appearance? So, it is okay for manufacturers to cater to your tastes but not the tastes of others (particularly females).

But don’t tell me that painting handguns pink is cute. Don’t tell me a pink handle on a pistol isn’t attractive to girls in gangs.

So what if they are attractive to gang members. Duracoated camo designs may also be attractive to male gang members, do we ban them? What about gang members attracted to caliber, do we ban the “Glok.. Fohde”? And while we are at it, why stop at guns. How about we ban certain cars that are attractive to criminals gang bangers, ban schools because they attractive to pedophiles, etc?

“We’ve had young boys with guns,” says Moten. “Now we have girls with guns.”

Really, before the color pink girl gang members didn’t have guns? That is ridiculous. They same girls that have pink guns now more than likely had guns then, the color has just changed.

Facts are that 12 young girls have been shot in the streets of D.C. ...

Stop right there. Pink handguns as well as all other handguns were banned in DC. This is just the old ‘bait and switch.’ Cite high crime figures involving female VICTIMS with mention of the sex of the shooters then say gangs of girls are on the rise. Then make the final comparison between these female gang members as those that showed off pink pistols.

Pink pistols are a great market for gun makers. Gay and lesbian groups across the country have started “Pink Pistol” groups to arm themselves and stand up against gay-bashing.

So, even law abiding gay members of society shouldn’t be marketed to because of those evil bloodthirsty girls.

Of course the first line of defense against gunplay in the streets is for parents to exercise guidance and control. But the NRA and the gun makers bear some responsibility if they encourage lines between toys and guns to be blurred with cute weapons.

And here we are. Finally at “blame the NRA” because the guns that gun manufacturers market to meet the desires of law abiding citizens are also desirable to bloodthirsty girls that aren’t legal to own them.

The handles may be pink; the blood is still red.

Catchy colorful ending but where are your facts? That is, other than the high crime rates being committed by criminals in states that already ban what you are complaining about?
Do you feel Matthew Shepard tied to a fence with his skull cracked from front to back is morally superior to him explaining to the sheriff why his assailants were shot?
While I understand your point here, Matthew Shepherd was not murdered by gay bashing rednecks, he was murdered by his bisexual drug buddy for the money in his pocket. Period. The bisexual drug addict's lawyer thought it would save his client from a jury in rural Wyoming to claim the murder was a violent over-reaction to Shepherd touching his wee wee and that his client was blinded by homophobia.

Yet the myth of the Gay Martyr; Matthew Shepherd lives on.
“They are targeting a female market,” says Ronald “Moe” Moten, co-founder of Peaceoholics. “It’s just like cell phones. These guns are not for hunting.”

Now they are going after cell phones based on that "sporting purposes" crap. Good thing I have a camo cover on my razr.

The second amendment was not written to allow people to plug a deer every now and then, It wasn't even written to allow carying for personal defense, The founders basically assumed that those two uses of firearms were basically common sense, and were already inalienable rights of the people. In fact the ammendment wasn't written for us at all, but for the government. They took a first in history leap ahead and wrote the ammendment to limit the governments power, and give people the means to protect their rights, and to protect the founding ideals of the constitution, or if the government didn't work to allow people to found a new one.
I dunno

It was at a Friends of the NRA auction; no different from paying $2 for a 25 cent cupcake at school fundraisers

I wanna see that cupcake! If I can find a cupcake that shoots....... WOW!
To me the evidence seem to point somewhere between homophobe/sexist and fear monger.

I'd say the guy hits the homophobe, sexist, and fear monger trifecta, but he appears to be plain stupid on top of all of that
[sarcasm]mmm... deliciously tittilating news! i can't wait to see what other truths they print!

Down with Guns! they drove my friends' cousins' brothers' ex-roommate MAD with rage and he shot some guy who was raping his wife during a robbery!

and how is a pink gun used for hunting? surely the deer can tell the difference![/sarcasm]
My response:
The issue of a pistol's color is a non-sequitor at best. The fact that a pistol is pink does not necessarily point to a fact that the gun was sold in that color (as has already been pointed out in the other comments). If you're going to pretend to write news articles, please stick to the facts at hand, and remove facts that do not pertain to the story. Saying, "some guns are pink" and then, "more girls are getting into gangs" and then, "pink guns are the latest marketing tactic to get women to kill each other" is shamefully one-sided and narrow minded. I won't be reading any further articles written by Harry Jaffe simply because of this moronic rhetoric.
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