Dean takes it on the chin.

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Thumper, I used to believe that the show leaned to the left because of the guests they had, but now I think that it's probably just a case of more Democrats being willing to come on the show. Lately they've pretty much proved they'll take shots at anyone.
Maybe, Geech...but Jon Stewart and Co. are worshipped like idols over at democraticunderground. Someone there referred to The Daily Show as "Our Voice."

Funny...I thought NBCNNABCBS was "their voice."
I think W4rma had an ad in the local
newspaper today offering cut and paste services on a per peice basis.:p
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He received Jimmy Carters endorsement.
Not true. He interjected himself into Carter's realm by calling and asking to go to church with him. Although Carter graciously permitted the intrusion, Carter did not endorse Dean or any other candidate.

Dean explained that Carter was the guy who was the impetus for Dean getting into politics so the trip was a fawning hero worship effort at gleaning his hero's endorsement.

I believe it was a last minute, last ditch effort to get what Dean considers a major endorsement on the eve of the caucuses.
Maybe, Geech...but Jon Stewart and Co. are worshipped like idols over at democraticunderground. Someone there referred to The Daily Show as "Our Voice."

Yeah, but then again they must be wrong about a lot of things, or else they wouldn't post on that forum. :neener:

Seriously, though, it's probably a case of wishful thinking. I imagine some of them feel a sense of validation from that belief.

'If a show as smart and funny as the Daily Show agrees, we must be right.'

I wonder what they think about that Dean segment? Or has the Democratic 'mainstream' (read: hardcore) already disavowed knowledge of that weirdo?

'Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to reach November without looking like a creep. Should you or any of your agents...'
I agree Geech. I think the Daily show practices equal opportunity mocking, and with a Republican in office, he provides more soundbites than prominent Democrats.
Haha, calling the Daily Show a left wing news show?

R O F L. Some people really are born dumb. It's called satire and comedy.
Off topic, but I think that The Daily Show is great. There is no question that John Stewart is a leftist, but so what? He's funny and not mean spirited or activist in nature. The show can miss now and then, but political humor is really its strong suit IMHO.
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