Defective XD9 ? Anyone had this problem?

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Jul 31, 2006
I bought a XD9 subcompact new a few months ago. I found it to be very inaccurate. After 500 plus rounds I had decided to sell it. While at the range I got into a conversation with a fellow shooting a XD9 subcompact about accuracy. He offered to let me shoot it. Results. Accurate hits from the first shot. I then let him shoot my XD9. Results. Unable to produce anything like a group, holes all over the place. We started looking for differences between the two guns. The slide on mine was able to be moved side to side at the rear of the gun. We put my slide on his frame, instant accuracy. There was no longer any play in the slide. The rails on my pistol show no signs of wear, or any other problems. I going on the theory of a defective frame.
Has anyone else had a similar problem?
Thanks, Trigger
Sounds like loose frame rails. The good news is that Springfield Armory has a lifetime warranty. Give 'em a call and let them know it's on the way.
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