DeLay says the era of big government is over!

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Take a look at the recent Transportation bill , it's loaded with PORK !!....NYC has Bloomberg as mayor. They had a large deficit and instead of just letting it get bigger as a politician would ,the business man Bloomberg said no we are going to do something about it . And he did !!
There's lots of ways to stop spending all OUR money. Like getting out of this debacle of a war. Billions upon billions spent, with no end in sight. It's a losing proposition that the recent hurricane brought plainly to the surface. It's time to withdraw from the quagmire that is the War on Poverty. Decades of waste and many lives wasted. :D

DeLay de louse, de biggest mouf in de house, and his little <> buddy, Perry, the <>, destroyed the state of Texas political balance , by using highly illegal money laundering programs to buy seats in the Texas house and the Texas Fed. House members.
In the process, they wasted several million dollars of tax payer's money, a factor in job cuts in schools, both teachers and support staff, tax increases at the local level, extra sessions of the Texas legislature, many more millions wasted and the only thing the sessions accomplished was to raise the pay of judges, who cannot survive on only $120,000 or so a year, and a major increase in legislatures pensions.
Every one in Texas is really proud of the efforts of DeLay and his buddies, especially the ones now suffering under Ronnie Earle's totally unfair felony indictments for just doing the usual Texas pol things.
:D :barf:
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DeLay says the era of big government is over!
And the era of humongous government has begun!

NYC has Bloomberg as mayor. They had a large deficit and instead of just letting it get bigger as a politician would ,the business man Bloomberg said no we are going to do something about it . And he did !!
You’re kidding...right?

Bloomberg's answer was to raise everything...taxes, fees...everything. Bloomberg treats the city services as services provided by a business. If New Yorkers want the services then they have to pay. He made absolutely no effort to root out corruption and waste. But then...why would he? Those are his buddies.
House Majority Leader Tom DeLay said yesterday that Republicans have done so well in cutting spending that he declared an "ongoing victory," and said there is simply no fat left to cut in the federal budget
Well; I suppose to global socialists everywhere, Tom DeLay is making perfect sense here.
Sparticus got it

Names aside what we have here are Socialists or Facists;Personally I've been supporting the Fascists, no more though. I cannot see the libertarians
accomplishing much, but lacking a Jeffersonian Democrat party I must resign myself to the Libertarians. At least Billary will know her way 'round the House.
Keep 'em Clean and Ready boys(just to be on topic)
This has nothing to do with the war in Iraq, which is a drop in the bucket overall. The elephant in the middle of the room is entitlements- SS, Medicare, Medicaid, Food Stamps, subsidized housing, enormous beareaucracies that only exist to employ people. There is easily 1-2 trillion dollars per year hidden in there.

The only problem is that those entitlements create enormous constituencies that vote. I guess the excess population will come in handy if there is a war, but somehow I dont see the parasites as being worth much in a firefight.
The elephant in the middle of the room is entitlements- SS, Medicare, Medicaid, Food Stamps, subsidized housing, enormous beareaucracies that only exist to employ people.
A recent George Will column asserted that since LBJ's "Great Society" was kicked off, anti-poverty programs have consumed about 6.6 TRILLION dollars - that's $6,600,000,000,000. (As an exercise try to figure out how high a stack of $100 bills that is! :what: ) Note that this number is surprisingly close to the national debt, and does NOT include Social Security retirement benefits.

And we still have the same, or worse, levels of poverty.

GWB's new Medicare drug program's stated costs have been sharply increased since the bill was passed - in the next 20 years, current estimates are that it will cost us about 17 trillion dollars.

Where's that money going to come from?
Well, finally De Lay shows himself for what he is - an opinionated, self-centered, deluded, arrogant fool. Now it is out for all to see.

"The truth can be denied by some, ridiculed by others, but in the end, there it is." W. Churchill

The entitlement can go away in only two ways - controllably and uncontrollably. The former will never happen because there is no political will to do so. The latter will certainly happen, when China and Saudi Arabia stop giving us their money by buying our federal debt. That is when the real fat-cutting will happen. Which brings me to the idea that besides a good career, more guns and more training are a sound investment in my future.

beerslurpy said:
The elephant in the middle of the room is entitlements—SS, [etc.].…

Well, the Social Security Administration and the Department of War, but it looks like we’ll be stuck with both of those for a long time to come.

~G. Fink
"The entitlement can go away in only two ways - controllably and uncontrollably. The former will never happen because there is no political will to do so. The latter will certainly happen, when China and Saudi Arabia stop giving us their money by buying our federal debt. That is when the real fat-cutting will happen. Which brings me to the idea that besides a good career, more guns and more training are a sound investment in my future."

The laughing and joking by the likes of Tom Delay and his Merrye Men will end when either the money flow gets abruptly yanked (foreign debtors having had enough) or the printing press gets overheated and the serfs recognize that American currency is looking like the Argentinian peso of yesteryear (think wheelbarrows to buy a burrito).

The masses of Americans are frankly clueless about the real situation in America today, on so many levels. They take it, as the psychobabble wisdom of the day, tells them to, "one day at a time." You can't run a civilization one day at a time. You need sound planning based on reality, and Reality, for those in the know, is a chateau in Switzerland and occult bank accounts.

The big question for the future is which will be the favored exchange of the future, gold or ammo? Or maybe it will be the bottled tears of all the Dr. Phil graduates?
"Where's that money going to come from?

You, me, and our children."

No, not to worry: our debts--if not our sins--will be forgiven. By the Great Compassionate One-World State of the Future. Formerly great empires will be forgiven as well as the downtrodden Third World nations of today, and the resemblance between former and latter will start to become pronounced. The Great Leveling will occur, and a thousand years of peace will prevail, albeit at a somewhat reduced standard of living.

So don't worry, no one will have to pay. There will be a price, though, and you already know what that is.
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