Denver Post Poll On Joe Salazar's Sexist Comments About Women and Concealed Carry

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It's on the main page.

You'll have to scroll down a bit, and look on the right side of the page. For me, it shows up under a row of social media and app icons, and there's a picture of Salazar (bald) near it.
Par for the course with the Denver Post.

You know what would make me happy?

Waking up tomorrow morning to find that the poll numbers are 50-50.

Pushing the numbers in our favor would make me positively giddy.

(Hey, Colorado's getting screwed by the likes of Bloomberg and Biden, I'll take bits of joy where I can find 'em.)
Just took the poll. Results after my vote:

Y - 778
N - 1279
Plus about fifty undecided.

I always felt like CO, in all its' nature-related-splendor, should be inhabited by people who are as hardcore conservative as anywhere else in the US. It iust feels wrong that CO is closer to being another CA or NY than another AK.

Hope things are better for you guys in the future.
Theres still a lot of us Conservative, gun toten folks here but I suspect most of the people that still bother to read the Post are liberal urbanites and the rest of us wouldnt ever see the poll if not for the "Heads up" from you guys. The DP is predictable, if a Conservative would have said that, we would loose six seats in the next election, but a Dem, no problem, just a little "inartful" slip of the toung. And besides, your a racist if you call him out on it. Welcome to California Lite. :banghead:
I just voted. About 60 votes would put us ahead. If we move there is a chance to beat them. I would think that women would be outraged!
Just voted, we are ahead (assuming i read the poll correctly ;) )

Yes. Republicans, Second Amendment activists and other critics were right to take him to task.
1587 Votes, or 49.56 %

No. He may have spoken inartfully, but what he said wasn't offensive.
1538 Votes, or 48.03 %

I don't know. I'm not sure what to think of his comments.
77 Votes, or 2.404 %

Total Votes = 3472
Yes. 1802 Votes, or 51.90 %
No. 1588 Votes, or 45.73 %
I don't know. 82 Votes, or 2.361 %
The funny part with the California refugee phenomena is that people flee the mess that is CA and then where ever they colonize they vote in the same problems they fled. (Note this obviously does not apply to every current or former California resident, just a trend.) We get some of that up here in AK as well, but thankfully so far the density of California stereotype crowd is small enough that we absorb them rather than them recreating their dysfunction up here.
1910:1606 after my vote.

2A is winning! but does it mean anything.
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