Department of Peace or...definition of blissninny.

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Peace Sells....But Who's Buying?

Megadeth - 1986

What do you mean, I don't believe in God?
I talk to him every day.
What do you mean, I don't support your system?
I go to court when I have to.
What do you mean, I can't get to work on time?
I got nothing better to do
And, what do you mean, I don't pay my bills?
Why do you think I'm broke? Huh?

If there's a new way,
I'll be the first in line.
But, it better work this time.

What do you mean, I hurt your feelings?
I didn't know you had any feelings.
What do you mean, I ain't kind?
I'm just not your kind.
What do you mean, I couldn't be president, of the United States of America?
Tell me something, it's still We the people, right?

If there's a new way
I'll be the first in line,
But, it better work this time.

Can you put a price on peace?
Peace sells...,
Peace sells...,
Peace sells...,but who's buying?
Peace sells...,but who's buying?
Peace sells...,but who's buying?
Peace sells...,but who's buying?

No, peace sells...

If you like the lyrics, you'll love the video.....
Department of Peace? Better call the Department of Weakness. Will someone in Minnesota please explain to that idiot that the only time the US will have lasting peace is after we've killed all our enemies. And that his actions are putting that day further and further into the future.
"Paging Doctor Orwell! Paging Doctor Orwell!"

OTOH, we could end the Pledge of Allegiance controversy and just teach all the children "Kumbaya". We'll have to find a suitable substitute for the "Lord" part, however.
Let's see, take money from DoD and give it to DoP so it can rehabilitate prisoners. If DoP subscribes to my theory of rehabilitation through reincarnation, I can support it wholeheartedly. So, does DoP get surplus guns & bullets from DoD so they can implement the theory?
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