Dianne Feinstein to Propose New Ban On So-Called "Assault Weapons" Today at 11am EDT

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While I agree we need to point out that 2A isn't about hunting or sporting purposes...we also need to be pointing out that ARs are great for hunting AND sporting purposes.
That's very true RCArms, wasn't it less than 2 years after Sullivan passed the Sullivan act that he was committed to a mental hospital? Not to mention for a simple public servant he made millions (couldn't have been from illegal activities or anything).

Looking forward to more info from this speech. Can't stream it right now.
I think it is time our side gets to have a news conference as well. This is going too far. They are spreading misinformation like aids in africa.
Durbin is calling on Fudds to stand up to the NRA and declare that these guns aren't needed for hunting and target shooting.
lol he admitted they've been waiting to do this. "Talked about it every month" since 2004.
Now he's talking about how the AWB of 94 made a large dent in gun crime....

somebody please educate these lying fools.
Charles Schumer; "These firearms aren't used for self defense." and "The 90's ban saved lives", but no data presented. :banghead:

Gun control is so '90s.
Yeah the hunting rifle you people love so much would pierce body armor worse than the AR-15. :banghead:
The problem is a lot of people believe these politicians when they say things like this.
Blumenthal says that law enforcement officers say they could not have stopped a shooter armed with a semi-automatic weapon.

edit; Jorg beat me to it.
My daughter uses an AR 15 to hunt deer with me.

Adjustable stock
Powerful enough for deer

These politicians are out of touch with their constitutients and are solely in it for power, elitism, and money. I'm tired of having 536 individuals (some of which I believe are suffering from mental illness) waste money and pass legislation that affect 300+ million citizens.

Pelosi and her ilk really ought to lay off the whole "Gun Ban Agenda" and actually get onto something that's important and long overdue, like a BUDGET.
Blumenthal saying that the police claim that they are powerless to stop someone with an assault weapon.
Doesn't that mean that if the police have "assault weapons", no bad guy stands a chance? Or does it get into an immovable object/irresistible force paradox and the weapons won't stop firing until everyone on earth is dead?
Im about to lose my mind. Criminals will still buy and sell illegaly.......... thats how they do it now you morons. Blood pressure rising.
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