did he just do what i think he did?

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Yup, he sure did. Funny enough, a kid I knew back home shot himself in the face doing that in a room full of people. Now when I say kid, I mean 22 or 23. Its been said before, you cant fix stupid.
more proof that TV and movies rot the brain.

hollywod (and especially japanese anime films) are very gun ignorant as far as how guns actually work. They don't know how to depict a truely excellent pistolero, so they add in all these flashy gimmicks.

Young-uns see thise gimmicks and emulate them thinking the gimmick is the mark of the skillful shooter, not a mark of lack of information.

Of course, in the 1950s there were plenty of kids who wanted to twirl their rifle like the Rifleman, or cut down the family deer rifle into a Mare's Leg, neither one were very good ideas.
Watch very carefully.

He clicks the thumb safety on after loading the chamber. Then he twirls. Then he clicks the thumb safety off when he takes his grip to shoot. It's still stupid, but at least he had the safety on.

Now watch very carefully as he shoots his 8 rounds.
Two rounds hit the dirt in front of the stump. He misses the target by 6 feet!
Watch very carefully.

He clicks the thumb safety on after loading the chamber. Then he twirls. Then he clicks the thumb safety off when he takes his grip to shoot. It's still stupid, but at least he had the safety on.

Now watch very carefully as he shoots his 8 rounds.
Two rounds hit the dirt in front of the stump. He misses the target by 6 feet!

Oh i was well aware he hit the safety...it's still incredibly stupid though.
"video removed by user" Good thing I got to watch it first!

I think he got our point, he's still an asshat. :neener:
Don't worry. He'll be on here soon talking about how he had an accidental discharge. Plenty of people will say that it's ok and that it can happen to anybody.
IME, about %80 of the average shooter is not of THR quality. By that, I'm not saying everyone on THR is a crack shot or perfect in any way. All of us here can vouch for that:neener:. However, that %80 simply fail to put much, if any, emphasis on control and awareness of the weapon, nor are they even aware that safety rules actually do exist for handling firearms:rolleyes:. Too many people tend to own firearms for the cool factor alone. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that, if you know how to actually be safe with your cool toy.
Send the ignorant twerp a message... I did.

1911 Fun
Did you just twirl a 1911 in condition 1?

Thumb safety, grip safety, I don't care...

That is incredibly, INCREDIBLY stupid.

Flagged for idiocy. We don't need other immature kids doing something they saw on youtube by a future Darwin Award recipient.

He needs to be bombarded, and maybe he'll realize that what he is doing is not cool, and actually very stupid. :banghead::banghead::banghead:
I don't really mind so much when people endanger themselves willingly, putting others at risk though is a shame.
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