Disabled discrimination at a range?

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Wow! Perhaps someone should forward a few links about this character to the folks at DOJ who are handling his complaint against the Atlanta C.C. This guy is a real piece of work.
Ok, well, that's the other side of the story. Let's put this one to bed. I think everyone has all the information they need from all angles.
Mayhap an outside mediator is the best solution to resolve the problem, and further if in fact this is all it would take to destroy the club, it was on thin ice anyway.

You don't seem to understand how poorly funded most clubs are. One lawsuit is more than enough to kill probably 2/3s of the clubs in this country.

The last time I was privy to a club's finances, it was a very active club with over 900 members. They had about $12k in the bank. That won't even get you through discovery in a civil lawsuit.

ACC is one of the major USPSA/IDPA clubs in the state, and regularly hosts State level and regional matches. IF they are like the other clubs that hosts matches around here, the matches are what pays for most of the rnge improvements and maintenance.

Trust me OP, they don't give a flying fig about your cane. We have USPSA competitors here that use canes and wheelchairs all the time.
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