Disposing of ammo?

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May 8, 2006
L.I. New York
I'm cleaning up and have come across numerous partial boxes of questionable ammo.
Some are factory partials that came with a gun, some are someone elses reloads, and some I have no idea where I got.
How do you dispose of live ammo that you don't want?

I think the best idea would be to throw them into a campfire, or maybe give them to the neighborhood kids to play with.

haha but seriously, I would say maybe get one of those bullet pullers and then dispose of the individual parts.
If it looks safe, I shoot it.

However, if that's not the case then I usually pull it apart with a bullet puller and dispose of it that way (pitch the powder, case and bullet can be reloaded if they're OK).

If you don't have a puller then I've heard guys soak them in some old oil to make sure they're "dead" then pitch them.
My brother found a bag of ammunition in a used car he bought last year. Didn't look safe to shoot it so I stopped by the local police station and gave it to a detective. No paper to fill out or anything. They'll dispose of it for you.
Wouldn't you want a light penetrating oil for that? I don't even know if that would render ammunition safe, but at least it would penetrate to the propellant and primer, which I don't think motor oil will do in a couple of days.
Unless it has been water logged shoot it, or give to someone who will.

Many rounds are fired that are over 50 years old , with safety.

Water on the other hand, can do bad things to powder.
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