Hypothetical question: Disposing of guns

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Ebay doesn't accept guns
But they do allow certain gun parts to be auctioned there. Lots of gun parts are still being sold on eBay.

I'd strip the gun down to it's components and saw the frame into pieces.
Then I'd see if any friends needed a part...and gift the part to them.
Any part not given to friends, I'd sell on eBay and/or gunbroker.
Take the money you get for it and donate to the NRA or GOA. Worthless gun gone, false sense of victory for the anti's, and more ammunition for our ongoing legislative battles. Definitely a win-win situation.
Sorry, to me that is too close to contributing to the propaganda.
Sorry, to me that is too close to contributing to the propaganda.
And I would disagree with you. I would NOT utilize a buy back in the first place BUT if I did, donating the money to NRA,ILA would be a worthy use.
I keep mine and look for ones that are the same. You can find guns for free or cheap. Then I parts out the guns and try to put one togather out of many.
I have a k frame that is now a great parts gun, made out of three guns. Not pretty but works great. I have a 870 that was put togather out of two different guns.
I would not do it again but I pounded one into the ground like a big tent stake.
If I cracked a major component like a slide/frame, I would probably look for a stripped new (or used) one with which to replace it for pretty cheap, and then learn about how to build all the parts from the old one into the new one. It would be a fun project. I'd probably keep the broken piece as a coffee table paperweight or whatnot, or just toss it if I didn't want it.
Wow, more responses than I thought I'd get. I thought about turning into police or something like that. I started thinking about this since I got my gf a little 22 semi-auto that I just don't see lasting a lifetime, unlike the rest of my guns.
Take it to your local welder and have him cut the receiver in half. Then it's scrap metal.
Usually, I'm against selling anything to the gun buy backs, but I love the idea of doing it and then donating the money to the NRA. That's great. Let the antis help fund our cause.
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