Do people just not get it?

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Dec 13, 2005
Northeastern PA
I realize there are about 15 different threads going right now reguarding the Virginia Tech shootings in Blacksburg Virginia, but here's another.

I am a student at West Virginia University and Tech is one of our biggest rivals. The president of our school seems afraid that, in usual WVU fassion some student will feel the need to out-do a Tech student and has upped campus security. That's fine. I can understand that.

What I can't understand is that I have spent the last 18 or so hours defending the Right to Keep and Bear Arms from almost every person I talk with. They all seem to think that making guns illegal is the way to go. They can't seem to grasp the concept of "If you outlaw guns then only outlaws will have guns".

I spent most of yesterday making phone calls to people down in blacksburg, among them were my future sister-in-law and my brother's best friend who is essential another brother to me. I was just as scared and concerned about people down in Blacksburg as everyone else I know, but even people who know I'm a gun owner, and have asked me to take them to the range, have turned into gungrabbers literaly over night.

Why do people do that? I was looking for news stories to see if any new information had been released since I went to bed last night, and I came across this article on MSN

My one remaining question is...what does this mean?

“We showed a national resolve that the gun culture that is such a negative in the United States would never become a negative in our country.”

There was also a quote in the Washington Post from a Brittish Paper saying something along the lines of "In America, you can go into a supermarket and get powerful automatic weapons." it also said something about "A culture that makes gun ownership seem normal."

I must be shoping at the wrong grocery store. Tell me what store that is and I'll never use Krogers or Safeway again:D But seriously. Where do these ideas come from?

And I'm open to suggestions for what to say to the recently created gun-grabbers that are springing up around me.
Why do people knee jerk into gun grabbers?

They do this because some people are overrun with emotion and not reason.

<Screw them>

If everyone was armed, yesterday would not have happened. Period. End of story. The beat goes on. Some people are willing to die in the name of political correctnes. I am not one of them. Dont be one either.
MEDGRL, there are damn few people anymore who possess critical thinking skills.
An interesting take on this is at eject eject eject- A number of wonderful essays.
Well, I've hung out at Tech before when I was college age, and I can tell you with 100% certainty that existing laws have eliminated underage drinking and pot smoking on campus.

For those who haven't been there, the stop lights around Tech have strobes in them, presumably so that tipsy students can be alerted to the fact that it's red.
You learn critical thinking skills by being around much "quicker" people than you. And trying to up your game.
Parenting has a lot to do with it also.
MedGrl. No. They don't learn. In a short period of time, this will be the Movie of the Week.."Tragedy at...(fill in the blank because it Will happen again)." I've tried to get my wife to quit teaching simply because she works in one of the areas of the country quaranteed to be a 'free-fire-zone'. It's almost like we hate our children and their teachers. At least give the faculty the Choice of whether to carry or not.
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