Do you believe in....

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Every situation is different. Sometimes drawing your weapon will end the threat. Sometimes it won't. To some extent it depends on you; you may be a 22-year-old girl who looks easy or you may be a 45-year-old man who looks crazy. Different kinds of predators will attack different kinds of people. Some of them will make rational decisions or will be persuadable. Others are implacable automatons. Be willing to shoot when you draw. Yes. But drawing and shooting aren't the same motion. If the draw is sufficient, good. Unless you just don't have time, of course...
I often use this line of thinking when debating such situations in my head.
As much as I'd like to use the gun to de-escalate a situation, you HAVE to be ready (mentally and legally) to shoot your weapon when you draw it.
Just as background I live in FL.
Think of this...As in SIGs situation, two guys walk around from the back of a dark gas station. They look like they are up to no good and you may feel threatened for your life....You pull your gun at low ready or ready. If you do not shoot them immediately YOU have escalated the situation...Now THEY have the LEGAL right to shoot you! Remember THEY are just as capable of being in fear of their life and carrying a weapon as you are. I guess all I'm saying is the law works for everyone and dead men tell no tales...So what if initially they were up to no good? YOU escalated the situation and if they chose to they could have defended their life and when the cops come all they have to say is they were in fear of their life....of course this is all from a Florida perspective....So to sum it up I agree with an earlier post. Pull the gun EXPECTING to use it. If the situation does de-escalate all the better, but don't pull it to gain leverage...
As a Texas LEO I agree with the folks who have stated that that drawing in SD is not illegal. Not all LEO's in the state may agree with me on that, heck not all judges and DA's might. The biggest factor in that I feel is articulation and your actions after the fact. If after words you just holster up and keep walking I'm going to question how afraid you really were. Calling 911 asap, etc, I'll by you honestly were in fear for your life and want to get the bad people off the streets, etc.

Back to the original question of good idea/bad idea. I think it's a good thing to have in the PC. As noted not having to shoot someone is better then shooting them. Therefore having the legal grounds to exercise that option is a good thing.

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