Do you close one eye when you shoot?

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I keep my left (dominant) eye open, and half-close my right. Works well so far.

Cross-dominant. :)
This thread is very interesting. Do you shoot with both eyes open when training for self-defence or when shooting for accuracy at longer distances? Or both? I have to try this next time I go to the range...
Both eyes open no matter what I'm shooting. I'm fortunate in that when using a handgun, if I shoot southpaw (I am a lefty), I'm left-eye dominant, but if I switch to right-handed, my right eye takes over. Always been like that . . . weird, but in a good way. I started shooting my first bow right-handed years ago (it was free), then switched to lefty after I grew to love the sport. I always assumed this may have been a factor.
One eye shooter

I have what they call a lacy eye, my left eye is working perfect, but I just don’t use it.
Some connection in my head decided not to use the left eye, long time ago.
It doesn’t affect me in daily life, but I don’t measure distance the same way you would do with two eyes, I have to recognize the distance.

This is however a great setup when you want to aim over a gun barrel, for me there is no deference if I look true binoculars or a scope.
Now this is just theory, since I haven’t tried the two eye setup, but when using open sights, I would keep both eyes open, and avoid changing the depth recognizing technique.
Two yes open? It depends

I can shoot a handgun or a shotgun with both eyes open, but when it comes to a scoped rifle, I have to close one. Having one eye looking through a 3+X scope while the other one is just along for the ride, well, I just can't do it.
I recently started shooting with both eyes open for pistol. Its funny how I got converted to two eyes open i didn't mean to. Here is what I did...

[weapon triple checked for safety]

I started to practice dry-firing to work on my trigger pull and I started keeping my eyes open and focusing on a spec in the wall, then I would raise the sights to the target. You can do this rather quickly in a room if you fix your eyes on an area and raise the sights, then focus on another area and raise the sights to focus.... So in doing this, my first trip to the range, I was almost through my second mag, and I realized I was shooting with both eyes open. When trying to shoot with one eye open now, it seems off to me... like trying to sing with ear-plugs in, you lose a perspective or a "fuller" sense.

[/weapon triple checked for safety]

I hope that helps :)
Scope use dominant eye, otherwise both eyes are the best. Sometimes I will close my left eye when shooting open sights rifle, but not handgun
Handgun- never close either eye unless you're into long range target shooting. Rifle- one eye unless you're close range tactical. Shot Gun- both eyes open. Just my opinion cause it works for me.

I always shoot left handed, pistol, rifle, shotgun, bow. I am left handed, I thought that was the way i needed to shoot. But all these tests have told me i am right eye dominant. I am almost finished building a left handed ar-15, should I try shooting right handed, right eyed and see what happens. I shoot both eyes open with pistol and shotgun but right eye closed for rifle.
I shoot a lot with either hand. I use the same eye I'm shooting with to aim. As you can imagine this presents an interesting twist for my brain.

Basically I squint just a bit with my non-aiming eye. I can still see movement but it allows my aiming eye to snap into focus and then I'm locked on and can re-open the other eye. I don't know if this would work for others but I've been doing it so long it's second nature to me at this point.
Which eye to use...

There is a lot of controversy around which eye to use. Should you always use right-eye to right-hand and left-eye to left-hand? Should you always use your dominant eye no matter which hand?

After reading many, many articles on the subject, there isn't any consensus on the matter. Do what works for you.

The most crucial thing is that you are consistent. You may be able to force yourself to use your non-dominant eye when you are target shooting, but when it comes to self-defense, when your heart and blood pressure are rising and your vision is tunneling, you will revert back to what is natural. If you don't practice, practice and then practice some more, you'll end confusing yourself when your life depends on it.
I went to the eye doctor last week

and now I know why we should shoot with both eyes open. I could read a line or two better with both eyes open than with only one eye. I, being curious, asked my doc, and she said that when both eyes are open, they don't have to work as hard individually. Also, I notice when I shoot with both eyes open I focus more on the target and my sights come on to the target almost by themselves. When I shoot with one eye I tend to focus more on the sights than the target. But thats just me.
I can (and do) keep both eyes open when using an optical sighting system (either red dot or scope) but it is difficult for me to be confident about keeping my front sight of black iron sights lined up with the "right target" with both eyes open. When I focus on the front sight with both eyes open I see two ghostly targets downrange (this is all at 50 feet indoors). Would a three dot or some other sight configuration help with this? I suspect that it will not help directly with the ghost target issue, but would it help with the (other) issue I have of my focus wandering back and forth from the front sight to the target or at least make reacquiring the front sight quicker / easier?

I shoot primarily right handed (that is my strong arm) and doing the thumb in the eye thingee gives me right eye dominance. I wonder if it is a strong dominance. Also, I shoot about the same group size with left hand or right hand (with bullseye style handgun shooting - I don't practice rifle / shotgun other than right handed - and I train with pistol only about an eighth of the time with left hand vs right hand if that often).
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