Do you get angry when the shooter next to you has a bigger BOOM than you?

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I'm the one

Perhaps it is projectile envy. In any event, I am the one that clears the local range with my toys. :) I could pretend to feel bad about it but....walk into a range that is full, fire a few rounds and suddenly you have the place to yourself-what's not to like? honestly ;) :neener:

There is a solution. Get something even bigger and load the snot out of it. Of course, you still have to hit what you are shooting at. Good luck. :uhoh:

Doesn't bother me one bit. Just because the guy in the next lane might have a louder gun doesn't mean he's a better shot. Who cares how much noise a gun makes? That's not on the list of what's important. Comfortable to shoot, feeds reliably, hits where aimed, etc. are what matter. Noise is just a by-product.
No I do not. I am secure in my sexuality. any one with this problem needs counseling. Sorry about that but you said get MAD sounds like you do have a problem.
umm...muzzle break on my m44....I win at my range every time. It is almost like the thing was designed to not lessen the recoil, but rather to make the gun so loud you don't notice it.
Some folks may ask if this Marlin is a .450 or .444. Nope just a 45/70 with the integrated brake (small holes on sides and about 45*) plus the boxes I packed them in are marked Ruger #1 only. I trust it in my rifle but not in any other that is less than the ruger. Still sighted in with holes inside of 2" of center.
Only takes 2-4 shots to verify a scope setting.
A friend of mine has a 20mm Lahti. The first time he took it to the rifle range one of the guys on the pistol range 100 yards away hollered "WHAT THE BLEEP WAS THAT?!?!?!"

OTOH I'm usually the one shooting the .308 that goes pop-psssssssssshhhhh which gets some looks.
Right on CountGlock.. I was goimg to sugjest that S&W but you beat me to it,
but with the 460 you could realy show em, with a little accuracy contest!!

Other things i like to do is bring out the 300 win mag and blast a couple rounds that at least would have shut there mouth..
To answer the thread originator, I don't feel a bit of testosterone when there is a louder bang next to me, I do however feel some machismo if the shooter next to me is more accurate at the same distance. Hey!!!, I would rather have better marksmanship with a 9mm than be a lousy shot with a 10mm ( I am pretty good with both). I am more impressed with skill than I am with the "spraying & praying". One shoots the target, those who merely discharge a gun, are doing just that, spraying lead. Even a broken clock is right twice a day. I would rather be right the first two seconds at 00:00:02
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