Do you have a shooting buddy?

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G is interested in guns in an abstract kind of way. He has several pistols but hasn't been to the range in more than two years that I know of. Never with me.

V now lives more than 1,000 miles away.

P works at a hospital. He almost never has a weekend off, and when he does his wife sets the agenda. Since he has to be at work so early he can't go to the range in the evening either. He's in bed by 9:00.

J is into fishing. His obsession with fishing makes your typical gun nut look rather disinterested.

The other J is an avid hunter, but he's not really into guns. They're just the mechanism that gives him an excuse to get away from the wife. Actually, he's one of those bolt gunners who'll be standing idly by as my military-style rifles are outlawed, not understanding that his bolt guns will be next, once they've been redefined as sniper rifles, that is.

The third J used to work at a gun range, but he's an alcoholic, and since he quit drinking last year he's become insufferable. The alcohol was acting as a damper on his grating personality. I can't stand to be around him now.

D has a couple of guns, but his passion is golf. See my remarks about the first J, above. Actually, D goes J one better since he works at a golf course. J only gets to the lake on weekends.

S is into martial arts. We went shooting once about two years ago, but S would rather spend the day practicing his forms or sparring.

M is also into martial arts. He came with S and me that one time two years ago. Not since.

And so it goes...
I've got a few. The one who I shot with the most has moved about 6 hours away. We still get together a couple times a year. The worst part is that when he left, he took his dog. :mad:

Very often, I shoot with my wife, and as the kids get older it will become more of a family affair.

There are a couple neighbors I shoot clays with once in a while, and I've got several guys set on speed-dial for when I'm going bird hunting.

As things have worked out this year, I've spent a lot of time hunting alone... just me and the dog. And you know, that's OK too! In a few more years, it'll probably be me, my oldest son and a different dog. That should truly be a time to cherish.
Over the last three years or so I have only shot maybe two or three times without my good buddy Jeff D. And maybe four or five times with another one of my friends Wayne. Both are members here at THR. It is just not the same to go shooting without having someone to witness your great shots, and to see theirs. Also who would you brag to when you make a great shot?

Shooting with friends just makes the shooting more fun.
My shooting/gunshow buddy died of lung cancer in 1996. Never smoked a cigarette in his life BTW. Then it was my daughter, but she's away at college. Now my main buddy is my son, he's 10 and we've been shooting for two years now.
Well, I started shooting with my brother and friend and our dads, but they all were into hunting then and I wasn't, so range trips were at the end of the season when they used up the ammo they didn't shoot.

One day I said to my girlfriend "I want to buy a gun", so we went and did, and she's been my shooting buddy ever since. Though I'm more of a nut than she is, and more willing to challenge myself, she just wants to stick to plinking when she can, but that's better than nothing.

When I need to sight something in, it's probably best that I shoot alone, and even better if I have the range to myself.
Fact is - I have more 'true friends' , via THR/ TFL than I do family and folks here where I was born , raised and reside.

Wow, thought I was the only one.

Due to many reasons, I only have a shooting buddy with me about half of the time when I shoot. However, occasionally I get to meet up with THR personell, which is a real treat.

So I guess my BHP is my true shooting buddy. ;)

I try to adhere to the "buddy system" while out here in the high desert.

My two friends/coworkers/THR members and I usually hitch rides with one another when we hit the range.

Shooting buddies...

...are hard to find. First, you need a good, two way, trusting, friendship. If you can't feel comfortable when he/she has a gun in hand....well...
I had a good buddy. Things changed after a divorce, (his, not mine), because our wives stayed very good friends. He also seemed to just stop hunting. So I shot only when at my parents farm.
As my kids got older they filled that buddy position and still are my only regular shooting companions.
I now have a grandson...almost one year old. If things hold on, maybe he and I will get to spend a few days at the reage together. I've already picked out a three gun set I'll try to get for him...hopefully before the next grandchild shows up! Both my sons hunt and target shoot so I'm sure he'll be "in the fold" early in life.He is already accoustomed to the sound of duck calls. Isn't it cool how life goes on?
Yep, twin brother.
People identify us by our Mosin Nagants.
Mine is an M-39, his is a 91/30. :D
Best shooting buddy is my dad. He recently had surgery on one wrist and is soon to have it on the other so that took him out of the shooting game for a while. My parents are also winter Texans so they'll be outta town until spring. I am working on bringing one friend into the fold but he doesn't seem too interesting in punching holes in paper, he wants reactive targets and I don't know of any places to do that near here. I have another friend that also wants to get into it, but his wife to be won't let him get a handgun, rifle only.

I'm ok with going by myself though. It's pretty much the only "me" time that I get which is also why I cherish my range trips so much.
Other than the ones on THR (45R, Average Guy, Duke of Lawnchair), no.

I do invite my church friends.
Mostly just roomie(s). Sisters have started to go with, and the GF likes it (though she's considered legally blind - she can still make out the little dot). Mom and GF's mom want to go, and I'm a bad son for not taking them sooner. In fact, I got more female buddies than male now??? Sweet. :cool:
I've got a bunch of IDPA buddies,and a couple of guys from work that I go to the range with....sometimes though I LIKE to go by myself...less talk more shoot :) I usually burn through more ammo by myself.... :cool:
I have a couple. Henry Bowman and i go whenever he is not busy which isn't too often ;)
I have a couple other folks as well.

But as of this weekend i believe that i have a new one. Threw a little party at my place this weekend and met a young lady. Well this young lady likes guns, cars, the bengals, and she voted for Bush. So i think i have found myself a shooting buddy, and hopefully a little something more :neener:
In real life? No, not any more. Susan is going under the knife soon for one last attempt to fix her heart - and these days I need someone to drive me to the range. The few aquaintences I have are all too busy (and one of the last times I went and met some of the local LEO gang I did well enough that they got embarrassed) making ends meet.

That's how I ended up back here - I get to pretend I have friends; a nice break from writing the next book.
Much like a good dog, a good shooting buddy is hard to find, and worth keeping as long as possible. I've been blessed with three. My dad, right up until the aneurism made his vision go double on him (died in 1996). My best friend in law school, right up until he moved back to Arizona. A bailiff I work with, who is a retired cop. I'd have handed any of these three a loaded gun without hesitation or reservation.
My Dad, younger brother and sister, and older sister.... yet to find a good non-family female shooting partner... but man when i do!!!!
Black Snowman and I are good IRL friends, and shoot together all the time. Reload together, go to the gun shows together, etc.

Shooting is one of those lucky hobbies that is just better when friends are involved!


My usual shooting buddy is my twelve year old son. We have a great time together. I wouldn't trade these experiences for anything.

The other is a friend who lives about an hour south of me. We meet at an indoor range on the south side of Raleigh, not too far from his house. Interestingly, it was another hobby that got us together as friends, we only started shooting together about a year and a half ago.
my shootin buddy passed away last thanksgiving morning of a massive heart attack after hearing the news another friend was killed tradgically in a motorvehicle accident the previous was kinda odd in that I was out of town and had a dream in which he and my other friend told me what happened- on that very morning. I awoke around 6am to a wierd feeling.upon getting back in town,I learned the truth first hand.
My son who is 7 is rapidly becoming my shooting pal,he always wants to go now since taking him on a few groundhog hunts.Hes very careful around all my guns and knows to ask to look.hes going to grow up knowing about safe gun handling and be a good sport.just getting him to keep quiet is half the fun.
No. No one, unless you count the voices in my head!

I'm new up here (Jan of '04), and tend to be the first one at the range. When I'm done, everyone else is showing up!

I have a daughter to be born any time now (due date is tomorrow), so, hopefully in a few years, I be shooting with a future Olympic Shooter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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