Do You Open Carry or Seen Others Do It in MS or AL?

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Jan 1, 2014
UCLA - Upper Corner of Lower Alabama
I have residences in Alabama and Mississippi and both States passed laws permitting open carry (actually Mississippi’s law clarifies what was already on the books).

I have yet to see anyone in either States' urban or rural areas open carrying.

Do you do it regularly, not as a stunt, or have you seen others doing it - numbers please.

Thanks for any input!
I occasionally see people OC in AL. I've never seen the folks carrying ARs into coffee shops, but I've seen people OC holstered handguns. I don't think twice about it. Figure it's someone OC'ing or a plainclothes officer. I've never seen OC in downtown Birmingham- actually, I've only seen people OC outside Birmingham/Anniston/Gadsden/Oxford. Really just in rural areas.
Still a far cry from high school when no one raised an eyebrow when students drove to school with a shotgun or rifle in a rack in their truck- and that was just 20yr ago. Concealed carry is far far more common here. My folks have a couple hundred acres where I'll OC for convenience but I just chose not to OC in public.
Yes, probably at least one or twice a week here in north MS. Was in Gulf Shores AL for 4 days last week and saw one person OCing
I live on the west side of central AL and I see people OC'ing occasionally. Not a lot but it's not highly unusual either especially during hunting season, then it's common.

I used to OC when I had my motorcycle but since I've sold it I haven't but a time or two..... During hunting season.

I work with a guy that goes to walmart with a duel cross draw rig and 2 pistols, my brother OC's some, not a lot just when he wants to show off one of his Dirty Harry revolvers. Come to think of it I believe he stopped after the passage of the law because a LOT of the businesses around here put up "no open carry" signs shortly after it passed, they auctually made it harder to legally OC.

Forgot you asked for numbers.
I probably see someone OC'ing once a month normally. Two or three times a week isn't uncommon during hunting season.

Also it was legal in AL before they passed the law a year or two back the law just stated it more clearly and it gave no guns signs the weight of law when OC,ing. So it effectivy reduced the number of places you can OC. I saw more OC before the law than I do now, another Gov "fix"
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In Virginia, when I lived there open carry was legal. The Concealed Carry law forbade concealed carry in an establishment that served alcohol. That meant, of course, you couldn't carry concealed in a restaurant that served beer or wine.

So the common solution was simply to take off your jacket as you entered the restaurant and carry openly.
I rarely do it, usually without even realizing if it does happen.

One gas station owner told me not to bring guns in his store when I stopped to get a paper on the home from the range once. The 2 or 3 cops Ive talked about it with, suggested just keeping it concealed as not to "alarm" anyone.

Because you know guns will jump out of their holsters and start shooting people if you dont have them concealed good enough.
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OC trip....

I OCed a few times in the metro Pittsburgh PA(airport area) & western counties of the state. I don't recall seeing any other armed citizens with guns but I wasn't really looking :rolleyes:.
I didn't get any LE hassles or strange looks either. I think the modern era of smart phone/PDA holders, pocket knife cases, iPods, etc makes many people oblivious to items around the waist. If someone is standing directly next to or behind a person they might spot it, but if it's legal, so what. ;)
Small EDC type "white-lights" are now more & more popular also. I sometimes tote a small light on the off-side next to a single magazine case. If those are visible, it's not a big deal. The pistol magazine is covered & there are no "flashlight" laws I'm aware of. Again, if some "switched on" chap or employee sees it, so what.
Thanks for the input.

After all the hullabaloo about the right to open carry and the legislators stepping up to the bar, I thought that I’d see OC on a regular basis… especially in the small towns that I live in.

There has been a flurry of businesses that posted no firearms at all signs and I make it a point to let them know that their gun-free zone is putting me and my family at risk and I won’t be doing business with them until the signs come down.

In Mississippi you can take an 8 hour course that will up you CCW permit to “enhanced”. If you have one of these and keep your gun concealed the sign does not apply to you.
I have seen OC in eastern Birmingham/Trussville area. Far more often it is concealed but nobody bats an eye at OC.
I haven't - but I don't spend a lot of time looking for it either. I suppose I'd notice if someone wondered by with a rifle slung over their shoulder and I haven't seen any of that in my area. I don't open carry.
I rarely OC, but am in favor of the law as it removes the worry that you might flash your CCW when bending or moving and end up with a problem because of it. FL was very tight on showing or even printing when I lived there. Don't have that issue in VA due to OC law.
Thanks for the input.

After all the hullabaloo about the right to open carry and the legislators stepping up to the bar, I thought that I’d see OC on a regular basis… especially in the small towns that I live in.
The great benefit to open carry is that it allows many more options. You don't need to stress over printing or inadvertent exposure, and you can take your coat off if it's hot or you're sitting in a diner. Because you don’t need to worry about those things, you can carry a more effective handgun, which is to say, one with which you are more comfortable.
I am in Huntsville which is in northern Alabama, I see people OC with holster more often then I was expecting and in the city nevertheless. I've see it several times in Costco and frankly; most people were oblivious as they don't pay attention to it. One time, I watch my wife yakking away with her friends in Costco while next to them this old guy was carrying openly; yet these ladies did not noticed. I asked her later if she saw the guy was OCing, her answer was "what guy?".

I also see guys OC in restaurants in down town but they were sitting down eating lunch with their families. Nobody seemed to pay attention to the fact they were OCing. I suspect that's because probably half of the people were CCWing. ;)
I have residences in Alabama and Mississippi and both States passed laws permitting open carry
Actually open carry has been legal in Alabama since 1840. I OC daily. I see a couple of others every week or so. Nobody thinks too much about it.
Sunshine state.....

Florida, , updated the "open carry" & printing type statues. A CCW/W holder whose weapon or holster may be slightly exposed or open, due to weather, bending down, leaning over etc can not be arrested or prosecuted. Full open carry of handguns is not allowed like in PA, VA, AZ, etc. There's a effort from the NRA & Florida Sportsmen among others to increase the choices of W/concealed holders but the bills can't make it all the way to the state governor.
Incidents like the Zimmerman case, the Wesley Chapel FL movie theater shooting & the Jacksonville FL area shooting over loud music doesn't help things. :rolleyes:
Our city is medium sized city of about 250K SE Washington. it seem like a gun friendly area. I have seen a good number of OC'ers in Barns and Noble, once in Walmart and more commonl yin gun stores. But I have to admit, if you OC, a good retention hoslter is a must. I have seen guys with the XD using the flimsy plastic holster that came with the box. Any bad guy can grab that gun from behind.

I have OC'ed occasionally usually after hunting and wanting to go into a store and was too "lazy" to put it in the glove compartment.
I've see it several times in Costco and frankly; most people were oblivious as they don't pay attention to it. One time, I watch my wife yakking away with her friends in Costco while next to them this old guy was carrying openly; yet these ladies did not noticed. I asked her later if she saw the guy was OCing, her answer was "what guy?".

2 questions:

Is the Costco in Huntsville not posted at the entrance?

Do "illegal" signs like Costco posts carry the weight of law in AL?

I ask because in TN, all the Costcos are posted with the generic "No weapons allowed" sign, but those "Illegal" signs do not carry any weight in TN. (They can however ask you to leave)

I can't answer about Cosco because I've never been in one. But it s my understandng that here in AL the no guns signs DO carry the weight of law if you are OC'ing but DO NOT carry the weight of law if it's concealed. As a result many of the signs around here say no open carrying of guns permitted or something similar.

On a side note I could probably have counted on one hand the no guns signs I had seen before we passed the law, now they seem to be everywhere. :(
No gun signs in Alabama do not have the weight of law. If you are carrying, and the management asks you to leave and you refuse you can be arrested for trespassing.

The biggest opponents to OC in Alabama is the Alabama Sheriff's Assn. The last open carry issue to be resolved is whether or not you can carry in a vehicle without a permit. Our local sheriff said that it was a mistake to allow it, because "teenagers would be driving around with guns." The "teenagers" he was talking about would be 18. Now, he has to issue permits to 18 year olds if they qualify otherwise, so you see what this is, ego and greed since all you have to get a permit in Mobile County is pass a NCIC check and pay him $20.00 year and takes 15-30 minutes.
My older son was open carrying the other day. All we did in public was stop to get gas though. He never got a second look as far as I noticed.
I live in lower Alabama during the summer it's difficult enough to wear clothes much less open carry.
Hmmm . . . it's been my experience that it's more difficult to carry CONCEALED in hot weather due to lack of heavy cover garments. I don't see how it would be difficult to carry openly.
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