Do you think it is safe to travel to NYC on election day?

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Dec 24, 2002
United Socialist States of Obama
I hope this thread does not get closed, as I would like input from you guys on this. I have a trip scheduled to Manhattan, with me flying up on election day, and will be there for about a week. The trip is not absolutely mandatory, but I really need to get up there to attend a meeting if at all possible.

I have read that whether Obama wins or loses, riots will be likely. James Carville has predicted that young blacks will riot if he wins or if he loses.

So what do you think? I can't think of a worse place to be than NYC in the event of a riot.

I am a white guy from Georgia, and I have "John McCain voter" written all over me. Any suggestions?
Manhattan should be ok. The other boroughs will be more likely to see violence. The people likely to riot also likely can't afford to live in Manhattan. Don't be shocked if while you are there you hear about rioting in Brooklyn or the Bronx though. Maybe Jamaica in Queens.
Likely no more of a risk than any other day. In the end analysis, you must keep your own council about such things.

For me, I'm largly done with big cities as they hold little attraction that draws me anymore when viewed in a balance of risk vs. reward.

For work? If I had to, I'd go but I would (lawfully) bring a firearm and ammo just in case. And also (at least) some solid outerwear and basic gear for evacuation on foot from the city of need be. Yes, you need a little 'bob' in your bag.

Above all, have an Evac map and plan from where you will be--just as sure as you might check where the fire exits are in a large theater upon first being seated.
NYC will be safe, no matter what.
Leave your guns at home, unless you are an active/retired LEO.
NYC will be safe, no matter what.

Could you ellaborate on why you are so confident?

I agree with you that Manhattan will be safer than other areas, but I am really concerned about being trapped in Manhattan if all hell breaks loose nearby.

Also, guns are out of the question in NYC.
Because I live here and you don't.
I am getting a bit tired of all of the negative input from those who are clueless.
There are areas of every urban center that are already dangerous, especially if you do not match the ethnicity of the majority of the people in that area. Stay away from those areas, just as you would anyway.

NYC seems like it might have a good shot at riots on first glance, but the city has a pretty well developed system for dealing with such things. It probably has less of a chance of things getting out of hand than other cities like DC, Detroit or Chicago.

If it bothers you, stay away.
Well your not the only one thinking along those lines.

Myself and co-worker were at a commitee meeting last month when the Chair suggested the day after the election in down town St. Louis for the next meeting... We both flatly refused.
I am a white guy from Georgia, and I have "John McCain voter" written all over me. Any suggestions?

Wear an "I love Obama" shirt while in NYC. :)
This thread is just a silly way to inject politics into the forum. :banghead: The idea that one wouldn't be safe on the streets of any big city on election day is absolutely ludicrous. This is the United States of America and we've had a peaceful transition of power after every election since the nation was founded.

The sun is going to rise in the East on Wednesday morning and everything will be much the same as it was Tuesday morning, no matter who wins the election.

This one is closed and there will be no more SHTF threads about the election. This is the United States of America, not some third world cesspool of a country. For crying out loud, grow up, stop watching the cable news channels and reading the Drudge Report and go to the range tomorrow and enjoy yourself. We live in the greatest nation ever to be on this planet in a time of unbelievable prosperity. The so called poor people in this country have cars and flat screen TVs. No one starves here. We have more free time and disposable income to enjoy it then the citizens of any other nation.

No one can destroy our nation in a four year term as president. You all can go back to your bunkers and stack magazines and straighten the pins on your grenades if it makes you feel better, just don't come here and post about it.

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