Do you think it's okay to give/loan police deparments ammo?

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Nobody's being forced to do anything.

I'm almost always in favor of the government not forcing anyone to do anything in particular.

So yeah, I'm okay with this. If I were to loan ammo to the local LE, it'd be a pricey lease on their part.
I remember in the old days, PD's would load their own.
They could always get on gun broker and buy whatever they want. If they can't come up with the money for ammo, perhaps they should rethink their priorities as a city or whatever. Like perhaps fire a paper pusher or a thousand.
To rephrase the OP:

That's the gov. letting you know that they have guns and have failed to stockpile sufficient amounts of ammo. I'm just a little uneasy about this...because it indicates a lack of preparation and foresight by the Sheriff and PD.
Our dept doesn't buy ammo from civilian stores, we buy it from stores that are "police only". We are pretty well stocked, in fact another 3 cases of ammo came in a few weeks ago, however I work for a very small dept. I guess the larger depts are hurting pretty bad.

But to answer the OP, nope! I wouldn't sell/loan it to a police dept. It is their responsibility to keep it their officers well equipped!
I have no problem with it either way. If you own the do what you want with it.

If my local PD needed some and I had extra I'd sell it to them. Hell...they do a great job keeping my neighborhood safe and I'd like it to stay that way.
I met the chief of police of an Arkansas town, while in a Missouri Wal-Mart, and he was looking for target ammo for his officers. I was also looking for ammo, but they had nothing I needed, and I believe they had some target ammo his officers could use for qualifying. I didn't ask about other avenues for ammo the department may have.

We started talking about the hoarders and he said the problem he found was that gunshow sellers squat on premises for delivery trucks to show-up, buy-up all the stock with multiple purchasers, and sell later at the shows at markup. He has personally seen both the Wal-Mart buyers and sellers at the shows. Sheesh.

This is only part of the problem, as I know individuals are doing the same thing, but keeping the ammo.
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You do as you like BUT I have no urge to assist those who may be working against my best interests. Times are tough and we all have budgets and priorities. My priorities leaned toward stockpiling ammo and other equipment and I have no intention of sharing with ANY government entity.
I guess some of you guys are right. It's a personal choice. Not really right or wrong. But as for me, it would be family first, then relatives, if they need ammo. Some of the Police Departments should have prepared early for such shortages.
Do you think it's okay to give/loan police deparments ammo?
Of course, as long as it's voluntary.
I would never approach the PD with this offer but if I knew someone personally I'd definitely be willing to share.
If the sheriff signed a document (or the one that circulated around a few months ago) stating that they would not under any circumstances enforce any anti-2nd amendment laws, and defend their constituents against any federal officers attempting to enforce said laws, then I'd make an anonymous donation.

If they don't care to stand up for our rights, then they can pound sand and/or throw rocks at criminals.
...stating that they would not under any circumstances enforce any anti-2nd amendment laws...
Which is open to a broad range of interpretation. Would they allow carry without permit? Into prohibited locations? Can I build a machinegun or build my own silencers without submitting forms to the ATF? How about the felon who's cleaned up his life; will they let him buy one of their patrol rifles? Will they escort me to and from the Canadian border as I import the guns and ammo that has been banned in the US?

Don't count on it. There is no law enforcement agency in this nation willing to abandon all of the anti-2nd Amendment legislation that has been beset upon this citizenry.
If they don't care to stand up for our rights, then they can pound sand and/or throw rocks at criminals.

I can think of about a dozen or more blue states where this would be my choice.

For now , though, if my local LE needed a few hundred rounds and I had them to spare, I'd lend them. Since I shoot exclusively reloads in pistol centerfire calibers, I doubt I have much to offer (shotgun/AR ammo, I could supply a bit).
CoRoMo said:
Which is open to a broad range of interpretation. Would they allow carry without permit? Into prohibited locations? Can I build a machinegun or build my own silencers without submitting forms to the ATF? How about the felon who's cleaned up his life; will they let him buy one of their patrol rifles? Will they escort me to and from the Canadian border as I import the guns and ammo that has been banned in the US?

Don't count on it. There is no law enforcement agency in this nation willing to abandon all of the anti-2nd Amendment legislation that has been beset upon this citizenry.

Obviously it has no legal standing, however it's an easy way to see how they influence enforcement within their own office, and how they influence elected officials that ask for council. If they're willing to take the heat to make a statement about their support of the 2nd amendment, then it's a safe bet that they are willing to support it at current levels, or for an expansion of rights.

When your state elected officials consider amending their state constitution to allow for constitutional carry, I'd put my money on the sheriff who pledged his support to the 2nd amendment publicly, rather than the one who said nothing.
I wonder when the PD goes to repay the citizen...
The following terms could be quite reasonable...

  • Upon delivery, a nonrefundable cash deposit equal to the market value of the ammunition being leased, is due.
  • At 180 days from delivery, the exact quantity, make and model of ammunition is to be returned to the lessor.
  • Each day past the first 180 days, a 3% late charge (3% of the initial deposit, per day) will be added to the due return, and also, each day will add 3% to the quantity of ammo due to be returned.
I guess you could look at it two ways...One is that you don't want to arm the police who are the ones who are likely to come and take your guns when the time comes. Two is that you are helping your community and those police officers will remember you and the gun community favorably if you help them. I don't think however giving them a few thousand rounds is really going to do them much good.

In regard to the "the cops should have planned better" comments. No one could have predicted that the public would go on an ammo buying frenzy because of talk about gun control. It didn't happen during the AWB the last time and the only ones to blame is ourselves.
I wonder... are these PDs experiencing shortages doing anything to petition the DHS to break loose with some of their stash? :scrutiny:
Would the local PD loan or give me ammo in a crisis? No, I would not let them have access to my personal property.
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