Does ABC Think We're Stupid?

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Feb 9, 2010
In my ever-expanding quest to learn what I can about tactics and training, while being currently unable to pay for training classes, I stumbled upon this video on YouTube, called "Proof that Concealed Carry Permit Holders Live in a Dream World".

The video starts off saying that they've selected four people with no real firearms training, to test how regular citizens react under fire. There was one guy with "countless hours firing a gun that shoots plastic pellets called an air soft gun". The video also claims that their course is "...drawing the weapon, aiming at a target. In fact, you should know that our course contains more hands-on training than almost half of the states in the country require to carry a concealed weapon."

Excuse me while I smash my skull into a wall. In what universe does an air soft gun equal legitimate weapons training, and in what universe does a permit holder never go to a range, ever? It's assuming that any Tom, Dick or Harry on the street could get a permit tomorrow and never be required to train!

So they put regular people into "training situations" and watch them fail miserably to draw and fire on a guy who comes in shooting paint balls at the lecture instructor, and claim, "Joey would have been killed in the first five seconds, or there's the chance the bad guy would simply have taken his gun from him...Joey said his countless hours of practice with an air soft gun were useless."

Oh really? Jeez, how many concealed carry permit holders are regular people, with no military or police training? Isn't it somewhere close to 80% of permit holders have either police or military training? I could be wrong about that, but I bet somebody knows that statistic. "This video is a police officer giving a safety demonstration to kids at a local school. He literally shoots himself in the foot, putting the gun back in the holster." And the gun goes off, because the cop had his finger on the trigger of a gun, and he just loaded a round into the chamber. What cop doesn't practice good trigger discipline? What former soldier or cop doesn't know, "Hey, I'm in a room full of kids. I better keep my finger on the trigger guard"?

They go into the science of the fight or flight reaction, insinuating that the fight or flight reaction renders everyone completely incapable of shooting guns. Even military and police? Sure, untrained people can't react swiftly or fire accurately, but that's what cops and servicemen are trained to do! It's the assumption that everyone who will ever use a gun in a crisis has had zero training in the operation of the gun. Even Chris who has "...hundreds of hours with real guns..." Even I know that calmly plinking on a range does not prepare you for a real, SHTF shooting scenario. You'd have to be an idiot to think that, and that's what ABC seems to be insinuating.

Part one ends with cops saying that tactical training and accurate shooting are perishable skills (duh), and using the last minute to plug some "safety experts" who say run away, because the gun is a liability, and a cell phone to call the cops will save your life more easily. Yeah, because we all know that cops can teleport to the location of a shooting in a second.

Part two is here.

They blame the other two test subjects' abysmal failures on tunnel vision, stressing that cops "spend months training and retraining their brains to take into account peripheral vision." Yeah. And with enough training, don't you think anybody can learn to overcome tunnel vision? The second part ends with the very real fact that it's way too easy to shoot somebody you don't intend to, even cops do it. Again, duh. This piece of crappy "investigative journalism" is assuming that none of these factors can ever be overcome with training. It's assuming that people who would try to stop a gunman with a gun would be killed before they can, 100% of the time. It's assuming that guns should only ever be used by cops. Assuming that even then, they still hurt themselves and others all the time.

Please tell me how many of you folks have a gun, have no training with it, and will never have any training with it? Because ABC is assuming that applies to everybody. Disgusting crap.
Yesterday's newspaper, so to speak. This one has been covered here before.

The search function should find it.
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