Does Anyone Keep Their Handguns In Sack-Ups?

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Jul 16, 2007
I saw some of these at Bass Pro and picked them up a few weeks ago, but I ended up taking them back thinking that I probably wouldn't use them after all. A couple of days later I took out my Detective Special and noticed that where the blueing had worn down at the muzzle, turn-line, etc., there was a bit of surface rust developing. I cleaned it up and oiled the heck out of the outside. I then decided to go back and re-buy the Sack-ups and give them a shot. I put the DS in one and checked it a few days later and the rust that had started seemed to have went away with the oiling and the Sack-up combination.

I emailed the company and asked them if there were any adverse effects with wood grips and they emailed me back and said that they have experienced none.

Well, I have eight of them now with a revolver in each. Do any of you use these?
I have a couple and I like them. Rust never sleeps, and keeping a handgun in a silicone-treated sock can't hurt.

My imagination tells me that silicone in the surface fibers of a stock might - MIGHT!!! - maybe - interfere with oil penetration into the wood if you want to refinish the stocks with an oil at some time in the future. I say again: I imagine that it's possible, but I doubt that it would really happen. I love oil finishes, I use Sack-Ups and I don't worry about it.
Crown Royal

My drink of choice is Crown and Water. I know you are saying to yourself, "what the heck does Crown and Water have to do with sack-ups?"

Well for those of you that drink Crown, you know that each bottle of Crown, large or small, comes in its own little blue velvet bag. These little gems are by far the best gun socks, sack-ups etc that you can use for your piece.

If you drink Crown and have been discarding these little bags, save a few and store your handguns in them.

For those of you that don't drink Crown, go buy yourself a few bottles, keep the velvet blue bags and send the Crown to me:)
I use Sack-Ups for those weapons (long and short) that don't move in and out of the safe multiple times per week. The ones that are in constant rotation get wiped down with Gunzilla once every couple of weeks.
I just threw a couple rifles into them this morning. The safe is getting crowded and I didn't want to see any scratches on the rifles from them banging into one another as I get them in/out of the safe.
Tawcat: I used to keep a snubby revolver at my bedside in a Crown Royal sack.
FWIW, I use bore stores but my safe has a heating rod in it to keep condensation at a minimum.
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