does it make sense to boycott movies with rabid anti-gun actors?

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There are some actors who have been so arrogant in their liberal political views that I won't see their work. Usually though, they seem to choose acting in movies that promote their point of view in a biased way, so I wouldn't be interested in seeing it anyway.

A lot of good actors may have all kinds of political views I don't agree with, but as long as their movies appeal to me, no problem.

I have not seen nor will I ever see the movie Pearl Harbor

A very wise move. Believe me the Baldwin boy is the least of the problems with that film. It pretty much sums up everything wrong with Sillywood in one film, from idiotic prettyboy actors to a bizarre and distorted view of history. It's widely regarded as one of the worst films of the 90's.
probably not

Boycotts generally don't make sense, #1 it is difficult to get enough people to join a boycott to make a difference and #2 if you do succeed the press generated from the boycott will probably generate more revenue than if you hadn't boycotted them :).

That said if it makes you feel like you are making a difference go for it, what can it hurt.
Just pay for a different movie - one that supports guns if you can find it. The box office tally goes to the good movie and you go to the bad one.

There is Deacons for Defense, based on the true story of the DDJ. Unfortunately, at the end, two of the main characters decided they don't need guns anymore. :barf: Watch it with your teenagers so they'll have a counterpart to the nonviolent resistance they hear all about in school.
I have not seen nor will I ever see the movie Pearl Harbor

Back when I was doing movie reviews for George over on MadOgre, this made my list of the top 10 worst movies ever. :) (#1 was Battlefield Earth).
look, actors are people just like everyone else. They may have opinions I disagree with, but that is fine, I don't care, the guy at McDonalds probably has opinions that I disagree with. However, both are there to do a job, so as long as they are doing that, I don't care.

However, if the guy who hands me my fries takes a minute to slip an anti-gun message in the bag, that woudl be a whole different ball park.

I don't mind actor opinions, when they come up in the course of an interview. However, I do mind when actors try and use their celebrity to push an issue on the public, ala rosie, tom cruise, etc.

Boycott movies if you wish. Regardless of the gun politics, I still dislike most movies, so that is enough reason for me not to see them.
but celebrities are so high profile, that it is nearly impossible to ignore them and still be a normally functioning member of our society. to boot, those that have active political agendas, are So 'rabid', and so vocal, it becomes infuriating.
Very true. Most of the time, I go to a movie just to be entertained, so I concentrate on the part rather than the actor portraying it. When an actor or celebrity of any kind go off the deep end, though, I can't stand to even look at them anymore so I'll pass on anything they do. Rosie O'Donnell and Martin Sheen both come immediately to mind.

Bruce Willis rocks!
I think it makes sense not to see a movie with anti-gun actors. A lot of them get percentages from the box office and DVD sales, so your money (and mine) might get donated to the Brady Campaign or some other anti-gun group. I don't like that idea when I'm trying hard to hold onto my guns.

Here's the NRA's list:

I can see a fair number of actors and musicians on that list I have supported by buying movie tickets and DVD's (like Bruce Springsteen and Sean Connery) but now they can go themselves.
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I really don't like modern films. They have become such a predictable formula and have an extremely unreal look and feel. Maybe I'm just getting older, but most of them seem like trash to me. The last movie I went to was "Master and Commander", which I really liked. Yeah Crow is probably anti-gun, but it was a good movie with no love story crap to ruin it. I try not to subsidize Hollywood at all and avoid most TV and newer movies.
somehow I double posted so I'll use this to say that I saw the Wildbunch the other night after seeing the thread about it and it was a good movie.Being a older film it was a bit risque with the women and violence as todays movies are.
quote machete;I think it's funny how liberal movie directors make the most violent films.
John Mctiernan said the scene in Predator where they fire a huge barrage of ammuntion into the jungle at the Predator was basically an anti-gun statement. After the scene the characters go search the area to see if they killed it. The one character states: "We hit nothing", which is meant to show the impotence of guns. Which doesn't make a whole lot of sense, but whatever.

sorry machete,read it wrong the first time,to edit let me say what a maroon he is if that was his statement.

Being a musician I take it personally when I find that a famous musician is anti or liberal but I can still seperate their talent from their pov and enjoy it.

There are a few though that po'd me so much I refuse to watch or listen to them period like Rosie O'donnell .

Cosmoline while I enjoy older films I disagree that newer (some) are not as good.Just saw Forrest Gump the other night again and I think its a masterpiece.

I wont pay for a movie that has known leftists in it but I'll watch them when it comes out on a cable channel btw.
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Think about all those "theater majors" know knew in college and high school. Where they really the most stable and manly of men?

In most cases, I'd like to think so. And many of us can spell. :rolleyes:

The Old Fuff is a bad example - he hasn't been to a movie in decades... :neener:

No, I'd rather wait and buy or rent a DVD or tape when they come out. Yes, I do enjoy entertainment, but not the high priced kind. That cuts into my shooting money... :evil:

Does a boycot do any good? Sure it does. How much money the stars can get depends on their "draw" at the box office. The producers and movie companies will only pay big bucks to actors that can bring the customers in, or later help in the sale of disks and tapes. It's all about money. Personally I have no interest in suporting the anti-gun side of Hollywood. :scrutiny:
Theater revenue is down mostly due to the studio practice of releasing most films to video/dvd within 3 months of premiere, often while it's still playing in 1st run theatres. Most people decide that it's easier to wait rather than blowing $50 or so (tickets, parking, babysitter, 55 gal. drum o' popcorn) in order to see it on the big screen. If the cinematography, sfx aren't an issue that's certainly what I do.

I used to care more about actors, directors privatelives/opinions but when my, "what an a$$, never again" list cut off nearly every film ever made, [Edward G. Robinson was an avowed communist, does that mean you'll never see 'Little Caesar' again?], I decided the "shut up and sing" rule applied to most of them.

does it

M2 Carbine, I'm with you. Haven't spent a nickle at a movie theater in over 15 years. Why should I? I'm 67 and most of the movies lately are remakes, and I seen the originals in my teens,and from what I hear the originals were better than the crap they put out now.:barf:
There are lots of people who are invovled in the making of a movie, from the lead actor all the way down to the drivers, caterers and props people. If I go to see a movie I make an unspoken agreement that the money I paid will go to the stunt doubles or props people who aren't anti, while some anti-gun cinema-goer provides the money for the anti-gun actor ;)
Movies are still pretty cheap down here ($5 matinee at the local theater that allows CCW :D )....

And I don't see how Daniel Craig can sell much of an "anti-gun" message in the new 007 movie.... least a little bit, I guess I do support the antis! :eek:

But hey....IIRC, someone here pointed out that the antis taking roles like James Bond can BACKFIRE, since (for better or worse) some people may get turned on to guns via on-screen heroes! :evil:
I tend to view it the same as voting . .does my single vote make much of a difference . . .nope, probably not . . . but I do what I think is right and hope that everyone else is doing that same. With the movies I don't care whether they get .002 or $1 from my movie ticket . ..I don't support them and that makes me feel better. (I think the Dixie Chicks experienced some major pain from their antics . . . .I actually liked their music prior to their spouting off but now I don't care to listen to it . .they still have more money then I will ever have, but none of it's mine)

Just my .02
I think it does and I do try. What really gets me are the actors that are anti 2a and run around in the movie using firearms.:barf:
I am so sick of the sillywood whine

that I can not stomache their movies even if they are good.
I can not enjoy a movie with Tim Robbins, Sean Penn or marky mark.

I am aghast that "point of impact" will have marky mark, the one movie I might have gone too has that freakin moron in it....

I rented lucky number slevin recently, it was ok I also rented kiss kiss bang bang, ...pretty good.

but the leading silly wood moron liberals like the ones I mentioned and alec baldwin susan saranwrap have made me so ill I can not enjoy their product.
I think it does and I do try. What really gets me are the actors that are anti 2a and run around in the movie using firearms.

Kinda like anti-gun Roger Moore who once said he "dosen't beleive in a gun-toting hero" like James Bond getting wealthy off the role....

Or Richard Dean Anderson's character in Stargate, actually *gasp* CCWing his issue Beretta while OFF DUTY! :what:

(Heh, reminds me, I was gonna post in the "new USAF pistol" thread about the Stargate Zat stunners....

...but then I decided to stay back and let the pro and anti 1911 types duke it out! :eek: )
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