Does Taurus Service Rossi?

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Feb 19, 2005
Arlington, VA
If I had a Rossi I wanted some work to be done on, would Taurus cover it under its original warranty? Also, someone posted a toll-free number for Taurus. If you can repost it here I might give them a ring. (I've been to the TaurusUSA website and they have a mailing address! Hard to believe that a company that boasts of lifetime warranties doesn't even have an e-mail customer service feature.)

Confederate, Rossi USA has a web site at and their phone is 305-474-0401. Mailing address is at the Rossi web site. Fax is 305-623-7506. Taurus is 305-624-1115. Calling Rossi might be your best solution since they are the maker. Hope this helps. Taurus seems to want ot keep the two companies makes and models seperate even if Taurus owns both.
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I also heard Taurus was going to keep Rossi a fully owned subliterary. I think it's a good idea and I'm glad not to lose another gun manufacturer.
Thank you. Apparently Rossi disowns anything distributed by Interarms, formerly based in Alexandria, Va. Although my pistols have the Rossi name and logo, they're not covered by any warranty, nor do I believe Rossi would even work on them.
I have heard that before a couple times.....if you have the older Rossi stuff your SOL.

Heck the last person I heard from even tried to pay for the service and they wouldnt do it.
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