Does There Come A Time?

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beaucoup ammo

Sep 17, 2005
San Antonio
As age creeps up, does there come a time when packin' driving.. becomes a hazard? Funny as hell but something to consider...true or not.

I ran this through Snopes and Urban Legends..may be legit

Police Log

This is a true account recorded in the Police Log of Sarasota, Florida...

An elderly Florida lady did her shopping and, upon returning to her car,
found four males in the act of leaving with her


She dropped her shopping bags and drew her handgun, proceeding to scream at
the top of her voice,

"I have a gun, and I know how to use it!

Get out of the car!"

The four men didn't wait for a second invitation.

They got out and ran like mad.

The lady, somewhat shaken, then proceeded to load her shopping bags into the
back of the car and got into the driver's seat.

She was so shaken that she could not get her key into the ignition.

She tried and tried, and then it dawned on her why...

For the same reason she did not understand why there was a football, a
Frisbee and two 12 packs in the front seat...

A few minutes later, she found her own car parked four or five spaces farther

She loaded her bags into the car and drove to the police station to report
her mistake.

The sergeant to whom she told the story couldn't stop laughing.

He pointed to the other end of the counter, where four pale men were reporting
a car jacking by a mad,

elderly woman described as white, less than five feet tall, glasses, curly
white hair and carrying a large handgun.

No charges were filed.

Take Care
Well, it may only be an urban legend, but even if it really happened, it's still an amusing (in a scary sort of way :what: ) story to read.
True or not, that is a funny story.:D
It does make one think about getting older and I wonder if I will have the sense to carry in a safe manner. Don't want that IWB holster getting lost in my Depends.:p
My uncle read electric meters in West Virginia. They had two employees shot in one year. Both by elderly people. One claimed that he thought the meter reader was a "revenuer" and another thought that the reader was trying to break into his garage.
As you age, you are also likely to become more fragile and/or weaker. That's why I have my Dad's shotgun and he's got a .22: if he tried to fire the shotgun, it would either knock him over (his balance is poor) or break his shoulder, if not both. (Side note: it's a 12 ga., for years I thought that was all there was other than the 20 ga, which Dad said was "for people who can't handle a real shotgun." First time I saw a .410 in a gun shop, I snickered. Couldn't help it; it's like Barbie-doll scale!)

So frailness is one reason to reevaluate what you carry or use for self-defense as you age. There are lot of older folks with .22s and a good many of them are decent shots, too! (shot placement, remember?)

Reaction time slows as you age, making the ability to anticipate and avoid trouble all the more important.

There is a video acting this old lady situation's quite funny. It takes place in a parking garage and the old lady observes the 4 thug looking guys in the car and she makes a "tactical approach" with a revolver that looks like a model 29 .44 mag or similar.......then she takes an isosolece stance and yells "get the f@!*" out of my car.

Funny as hell.
I haven't had reason to laugh out loud in six months till I read this. Great. Thanks.
I'll say it again. Lame.

This post needs to die....of course I'm not helping that by posting useless drivel, now am I?

True old person with gun story

I've been working as a Chiropractor in Philly since 98. I had an office in the strawberry mansion area of north Philly (not good). Anyway, one morning my front desk girl ran up to me and told me the new patient in room 2 had a gun.
I peeked into the room and there was my new patient, all 80+ years of him, sprawled out on the table with the worlds oldest, most beat up 38 I've ever seen hanging half out of his pocket. The gun was actually rusty. For want of something intelligent to say I blurted "Hey buddy, your guns hangin out."
He responded "Oh, thankya dokter" and stuffed it back into his pocket. What killed me was that he answered the same as if I had told him his fly was down. He later explained he carried it for protection. The second part of this story is why he stopped carrying it. Apparently he was shuffling down the sidewalk and the gun had worn a hole in the pocket of his pants. It slid down his pant leg and onto the side walk. He then discovered that he couldn't actually bend enough to easily retrieve it. He spent some time maneuvering around trying to figure out how to pick it up without falling over himself. Eventually he recovered it and decided not to carry it anymore.:)
Hey, this happened to me once!

Except, was someone in my seat on a plane not in a car.
...and it wasn't really my seat
...and i whipped out my ticket instead of a gun
...and the guy told me to go find my own seat

OK, maybe it isn't really the same thing.
"something to consider...true or not."

As mentioned in the original post..and the obvious purpose of this thread to most, "does there come a time" when you have to take the reins and let an elderly person know it's time to stop driving, to stop carrying a gun?

IMO, the answer is yes, IF driving or packing becomes a hazard to the elderly relative/friend and those around him or her. I broached the topic with humor to lessen the sting of a serious reality.

Tough decision, but life is tough. Relatives endangering themselves? No time to be weak and ignore a potentially lethal situation. Now, THAT would be lame.

Take Care
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