Does this carry option break a golden rule?

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Mar 1, 2004
The Peoples Commonwealth
If you use a Smartcarry / Thunderwear holster, don’t you break the Don’t point you gun at anything you don’t intend to destroy rule...?

I have a smart carry, its one of three different holsters I use for my G23. To dispel the myth, no my gun is never at any time aimed at my unit, and the rig is fairly comfortable with my looser fitting blue jeans. I generally carry with 10+1. However, when seated, the gun is pointed at the shins / legs of anyone across from me, when I squat to pick something up or work on something it gets pointed at all types of stuff and folks.

Now obviously there is no way the trigger is gonna get pulled while in the holster, and my well practiced draw keeps fingers away from the trigger as well.

Any thoughts?
How about carrying without one in the chamber?

I'm all for the four rules and everything, but a gun always has to be pointed somewhere by its very nature, unless it's stripped down. Sure, you want to avoid pointing it where you'd prefer not to, but, considering that it's in a proper holster, I wouldn't worry about it too much myself.
The four rules are indeed, vital. But I think we have to differentiate between muzzle sweep whilst ''in the hand'' and that which occurs inevitable thru CCW methods.

Some people do not like a horizontal sho rig ... others perhaps share your thinking on Smartcarry etc.

Provided gun is holstered then even if in condition #1 ... I cannot see a problem. I am always aware of this aspect of carry but have accepted it ... knowing that for me ... the situation is as safe as it gets.
Imagine what you point at every day with an IWB, a shoulder holster even! Don't worry about the smart carry.
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