Does your employer let you CCW?

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I work for a defense contractor that makes firearms (automatic weapons and handguns), but for "security reasons", we cannot carry our own firearms into the facility. We have access to the weapons we build, and there is ammo in the plant because we have an indoor range for testing, but that is OK.
Go figure.

My employer is a somewhat larger corporation that has a no firearms policy in company vehichles.Yes is sucks and yes I do still carry contrary to company policy.I work alone and in some very rural areas locating underground facilities.Many varmints and unsavory charactors inhabit the railroad tracks and vast tracts of undeveloped areas in which I spen most of my days.I don't see my supervisor but maybe 1-2 times a month at meetings and since I carry my weapon in a front pocket holster no one will ever know that I'm armed.Now when it comes to a point that I may need to use it,well I may be unemployed but I'll still be alive.
Nope, can't carry. Not allowed on company property. Not allowed to be in possesion of when on company time/business, so can't travel armed. That's the policy anyway.
Nope, we're not supposed to have a firearm on company property. I frequently do, when I'm going shooting after work, but I never carry. One of the guys over me was talking to me about it the other day. He's about to get his CWP, but he agreed with me that it would be best not to carry here, even though there are no posted signs on the doors.
The company has a written no-firearms on premises policy. The same section in the policy manual deals with drugs and alcohol on premises and is very specific about those items.

I can't go into specifics, but we were told by the security director last year that CHL holders could leave firearms in cars in the parking lot at least one of our locations. This was in a well attended company meeting. He also said that we could carry defensive sprays at any time.

Now, this is Texas and I work for an oil company. This company has a lot of hunters, I know at least 5 people at this location who have Texas CHLs, and know several others who have expressed a desire to obtain one. Not a lot of military vets, though and there seems to be a concentration of real live antis in HR and Legal.

My former manager (an occasional hunter) was appalled by my firearms interest and thought that my CHL was a waste of money. He also called my little CRKT M16-02Z folder "a weapon". My current manager is a nonhunter and doesn't own a single gun but is not at all bothered by my little hobby. As a matter of fact, he seems to take pride in the fact that I am a certified gun nut.
I am self-employed....I carry concealed and call it "research"...I goto the range to test new holsters (field research):D

I get one of the local's to "spot the gun" I call it "real world testing":D

Back before I decided to get rich (lol) making "Handcrafted leather at discount prices" I had a real job(machinist,welder)..They had the policy of "no guns"...I asked the plant manager one day who to sue if someone came in and shot me.....he didnt like that question one bit...He also had one of the worst attitudes I have ever seen in a think he would want a gun handy...seems to me he had a bad case of "shortmanitis":what:

Defense contractor, so of course carry is prohibited (that should be a joke...oh, wait, it IS a joke).

Not even off-duty LEOs or reserve LEOs, except federales. I asked, specifically about LEOs, 'cause I thought that odd. They may be over their limits as to law here, but, hey, until they're called on it, they do whatever they want & corporate is in one of the socialist states.

Not allowed in parking lot, per company policy, NOT state law.

Makes no sense, especially considering what we work on.
Yes and no. We are encouraged to carry openly inside the office. The boss prefers to know who is armed at all times. Technically, concealed carry is prohibited, but the rule is not really enforced.
I work for a small Mfg company, middle management... Our employee manual says:

No unauthorized possession of firearms..... etc on company property or while performing job duties.

Since no one here knows I can be carrying, I do as I deem neccesary.
If I ever score a cali CCW, carry on my campus will be allowed :-D CCW holders are specifically exempted from the rules about weapons on campus grounds.

At my employer, they've never mentioned it so I won't either. Here in KY, I don't think an employer can keep an employee from keeping a firearm in their vehicle anyway (unless, of course, it is federal property).

I did have an instance recently where a co-worker inadvertently opened my car's glove-box and there was my 1911 :what: . I quickly told him that I was licensed and he went back to normal quickly. He has known me for several years so he knew that I didn't have any ill-will in mind so it wasn't an issue. Other than that, no-one else at my company knows that I carry. I only carry it inside when I am coming in for work after hours and want it for walking in the parking lot.
My previous employer (Pepsi) has a strict no-weapons policy. The way it was written I couldn't bring them on company property, which would technically have included the trunk of my car if I wanted to go straight to the range after work or something.

My current employer (The State of TN) has signs on the doors to the downtown office building in which I work prohibiting the carrying of firearms except for LEO. Technically I can keep them in my car but I have to park half a mile from my office so it's kind of pointless. :( Granted the walk up the hill every morning is good for me.
I work for a private school. The rules of the center say no weapons allowed on the property.

I didn't sign it, and wasn't told to do so.

I am licensed w/CHL so even if they wanted to "technically" call this a school (like a university) they still can't do anything about it.

It is a work at will state, can be laid off for any reason or even no reason.

I'd rather be judged by 12 then carried by 6.

Get the point :D.

Company Policy

I work for an old ma bell spinoff in the southeast area .... very strict corporare policy against any and all weapons on any company property.

Sort of a shame considering that we have one field technician a week robbed and or assaulted. There are times when our tech need to request police protection to repair or install telephone service due to local interference or thuggery. I personally believe that if it was known that our tech were allowed to be armed, that practice might stop.
The company I just left didn't have any policy one way or another about carrying firearms so I always treated that as a "don't ask, don't tell".

They where bought out by a competitor from Wisconsin, and the new owners tend to be pretty liberal so I expect a no CCW policy.

I didn't care, they where downsizing the company from 600 down to about 25 so you can bet your behind I packed every day I worked there after the announcement.
I work at a paint factory and the manager is afraid that if someone has a gun in there car that he will shoot him if he gets mad. Because of some of the polices he has made up. He will even fire you if he finds a spent shotgun shell in your car or truck. I only have 6 more years and I will retire.
Then I'll go shooting every day if I want.
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