Don't Poke Me With That Thing!

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Dec 29, 2002
Los Anchorage
Notice the difference?


I guess the administration isn't quite as secure with our quisling allies in Afghanistan as we were two years ago.
Bayonets are more about fashion than function these days (like you can really stab an official when your surrounded by armed guards and snipers watching every move you make).

Someone probly thought these troops looked more pc without them.

My friend! Come into my shop! You don't have to buy anything! Just have some tea! My friend!
It seems a bit of a stretch to say that the lack of bayonets for the president's visit versus the SoD's visit is because of any change in the two countries' relationship.
It seems a bit of a stretch to say that the lack of bayonets for the president's visit versus the SoD's visit is because of any change in the two countries' relationship.
The right to keep and bear arms is a gift from our creator. I am just a man. I do not have the authority to decide who can and can't bear arms.

If you think you have the authority to decide who can and can't bear arms, you are no friend to liberty. -- Molon Labe

Yeah, Cos, but it is something fun to poke at. :neener:
It seems a bit of a stretch to say that the lack of bayonets for the president's visit versus the SoD's visit is because of any change in the two countries' relationship.
When we did a parade for Clinton in 1995, we were ordered to remove the bolts from our rifles and carry them in our pockets. Presidential security is nothing new, nor is it confined to Afghanistan.
Actually the security arrangements are considerably different for a POTUS visit vs a visit by any other high ranking politician. The fact is that the President and Vice-President and their families are the only people whose security is handled by the Secret Service. Diplomatic Security handles every one else.
And the Secret Service has somewhat different ideas regarding security then DS. That may be based on the fact that DS has never the loss of a "Principle" (a guarded personage). Unfortunately, the SS can't say the same. Gives them a whole different perspective.
When I was going to be on a color guard for President Clinton as the left rifle-bearer, I was told the Secret Service was insisting that we use rubber rifles instead of real ones. And we were US Marines!! The event never did happen...

I think theybayonet / lack therof says nothing about how the State Department feels about the Afghanis.
It seems a bit of a stretch to say that the lack of bayonets for the president's visit versus the SoD's visit is because of any change in the two countries' relationship.
It seems a bit of a stretch to say that the lack of bayonets for the president's visit versus the SoD's visit is because of any change in the two countries' relationship.
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