Duelist1954's latest video!

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Yeah, the folks involved aren't "liberals" by anyone's definition of the term. In fact, some might even be known to a few of you.

But suffice to say they are intensely elitist and after spending their lifetimes pushing the boundaries and expanding the practice and instruction of defensive shooting, they have zero appreciation for, patience with, or respect for anyone else in the wide world of shooting. "Nobody, anywhere, has the credentials to make an informed response to my opinions ... I know best, sit down, shut up, and pay your membership dues ... and if you aren't into my area of interest, and the cult of ME, you can get the hell out of MY club!," is the tacit -- and to some degree OPENLY STATED -- sentiment here.
One element of their thinking is elitism Sam. Libs don't just vote for the folks with "D" after their name. Plenty of them in all elements of society now after decades of secular-humanist government schooling.

Now back to black powder stuff! What hasn't Mike done a review or video on yet? Pedersoli SxS shotguns! Come on Mike, let's see you on the wing!
Good luck on shutting down that crumby behavior that has crimped the style at your local club!
Oh, he's gonna have a lot of help. We've got every candidate covered to have the bad half of the Board completely removed.

There is a LOT of work to do at our club -- a lot of physical range improvements underway and new rules, club Constitution amendments and the like -- but we're going to have a great set of folks guiding the ship now. Mike's been a key factor in how it has played out and we'll try to make his path forward as smooth and comfortable as it can be. :)
And what about the movement to kick him out?

Well, funny thing about that... we'd made so much fuss about the retributive attempt to expel him that by the time last night's meeting rolled around the Board was saying, "Oh, no no...Mike wasn't ever going to be expelled! We just wanted to talk to him about safety ...!" LOL.

After the current President attempted to adjourn the meeting without even allowing New Business to be heard :)rolleyes:), Mike had his opportunity to speak and asked that his case be heard by the Membership. The President tried to deflect by saying that the Board hadn't had a chance to have a hearing and make any recommendations yet. However, since the Board had (probably illegally) cut off his keycard and refuse him access, that constitutes a suspension of club privileges. Any penalty like that starts the clock ticking and the member is due a hearing by the membership at the very next club meeting. We demanded the Board follow the Constitution and they eventually acquiesced.

And... much to everyone's satisfaction, the membership almost unanimously voted to reinstate Mike.

And then we nominated him to be President. :)

It was a stellar moment in history.
Sam; How much are dues? do you have to be a state resident? Do you get vote the first year? I have been thinking about joining, seems like it might be a nice place to shoot
:) col.lemat, you don't have to be a state resident, but if you don't come to the meetings, you can't vote. Seems like a long trip for ya, but we sure do appreciate the support!

As I've hinted at, we're close to unanimous support for doing the right thing at this point. I don't think we're going to have further problems after this little storm passes.

I'm just terribly relieved that it is going the direction it is going. Fortunately the people who are trying to play tin pot dictator aren't very good at it. Lots of arrogance, but sub-amateur execution.
Help me understand the logic of some of these new rules.

I mean, how do you outright ban anything larger than 38? That kills off half the handguns and good number of fun rifle cartridges. Basically no shotguns from the sounds of it anymore.

There is range here that is strictly a shotgun only range. I understand that and from the sounds of it, it has been more or less a shotgun only range for its entire existence. It is a pretty exclusive invite only and sponsorship membership process so I guess they can do what they want.
The logic of the new rules was that they were written by one guy who has only one focus and doesn't give two squeaks about any other type of shooting. He mixed in a few reasonable ideas, a whole heaping helping of self-centered philosophy, few oddball misunderstandings and prejudices, and a whole lot of fear-mongering to write his magnum opus of "Shooting: For the Plebes."

Then he and his tiny core group verbally exempted themselves (to be fair, exempted me and my people too ... I just don't accept it) from all of it and said, "well, this is how it has to be because most people can't be trusted."

Oh...and then accused everyone who quoted his own rules back at him of "taking what we [sic] wrote too literally."


The upshot of it all is that when they couldn't stifle the uproar of their trusted friends, and realized we were going to fight them on it, they brought in an 'expert' who charged the club a lot of money to write a 2-bit report and tell us, "You couldn't pay me to shoot here." (Literally ... he said that in open meeting.)

So then they closed all the outdoor ranges except for one.

Now they're all losing their Board seats next month (... and may face even more stringent repercussions ...) and those going into their vacated positions have a LOT of work to do to sort it all out, get improvements done, try to work with our funds and permits, and get our club open for business again.

It is a mess. But it IS going to be fixed. We're going to make sure.
Then he and his tiny core group verbally exempted themselves (to be fair, exempted me and my people too ... I just don't accept it) from all of it and said, "well, this is how it has to be because most people can't be trusted."

I knew there were some statist libs involved in this!

Now it's time to weed them out. As the scriptures say, a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump.

My old man just moved into that neck of the woods. Maybe I can get him to join and put a vote in for Mike too.
club rules

That's one more reason I'm happy where I live.
We have a home owners association.
But we're a gun loving state.
Our association trusts us to be responsible with our guns.
Thus I can walk out my side door and shoot at my target.
I do it, my neighbor next to me does it and about half dozen others.

But hope Mike's video does bring people together to be active and vote.
There's nothing liberal or statist here. That's conflating similar sounding evils.

This is just plain old elitism. That, combined with a withered decrepit minor cult of personality.
I'm quite enjoying that some common sense is arising and that the self serving idiot is being pushed out. But is this really a valid topic now that it looks like Mike will soon be allowed to continue with making his great videos?
I'm glad you guys are able to take back the club and I'm looking forward to seeing some new videos from Mike. His videos are always my favorites to watch.
Our club has implimented a couple of wacky rules lately also!
Perhaps the insurance companies have something to do with this?
No, it's usually more along the lines of:
1. People who think they are experts, but aren't.
2. People who have no idea about anything other than their own specialty...and don't want to listen.
This thread reminded me of why I quit being a club officer and seldom even attend meetings. My membership is supposed to be a relaxing and fun thing, not a fight with......folks that if I typed what I really think of would have a moderator on me in two seconds flat.

On the other hand someone needs to keep a leash on them, but it is someone else's turn in the barrel.

Go get them Mike and Sam! Take no prisoners!

Go get them Mike and Sam! Take no prisoners!

One announced his resignation last week. :)

And we have a special meeting this week which has been called by the requisite number of the membership specifically to request the resignation of those Board Members who have pursued defiance of the will of the membership.

Then we have Association Officer elections on the 25th!
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