Eating habits change when carrying?

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Nope. I've always eaten (finger foods) and held drinks in my left hand, but always shot with my right hand. (I know I should practice with my weak hand:banghead:.) So I didn't change a thing to do what you are consciously trying to do. Also always hold a knife in the right hand (fork in left) when needed for dinner.

I'm not ambidextorous, I'm just screwed up that way.

Me too! I write, shoot pool, and eat with my left hand. Everything else including shooting is done with my right hand. I guess I wouldn't even have to interrupt dinner to defend myself. Pass the ribs please!
I don't figure Jack McCall is going to be walking up behind me while I eat.

I did however start carrying grocery bags in my left hand when leaving the store. Especially Wal-Mart.
I drill at the range; hold beer in left hand...draw & shoot with right.

Packing away a few shots over lunch at the corner Bar & Drill, eh?

(I'll regret that joke when I sober up.)
I got a call from the VA clinic last June -- I have "slightly elevated triglicerides." They sent me a list of food I can't eat, and told me to exercise and take fish oil. What I can eat is mostly sawdust and distiled water. (If you're doing a remodeling project, call me -- I can cr@p 2X4s.)

As a result, I have lost 35 lbs and now have to carry a gun in an IWB to get my pants to stay up.
Does carrying affect my eating?

Yes. Usually in the form of me sitting down, having the butt of my gun gouge my beer gut, and thereby encourage me to order a salad instead of a cheeseburger.
I eat more steak.

Greasy chicken while carrying? No problem; Just keep a napkin nearby and practice wiping your fingers then drawing.

Practice practice practice.
The only thing that I changed is that when I am carrying, I don't ever carry stuff in my strong hand when out. I don't want to have to swap/drop/or flop junk around in my hand to draw if I had to. I also find that forcing the left side to do all the work when I can carry evens things out for the times that I cannot carry.

I have never worried about the hands being messy while eating. They get a lot worse working on cars, doing yard work, etc.

I also figure that any firearm that I use in a SD situation will be forever lost to me. The gun is just money, and I value my family's life more than that. (Besides, you wouldn't believe the money I have just blown...)
Two ways, but not in the way the OP meant I think... when carrying, I avoid establishments that serve alcohol (state law). And to make carrying more comfortable, I'm more careful what I eat... lost 12 pounds so far, and my Milt Sparks VMII is a lot more comfortable without the love handles...
I can't say it ever changed my eating habits. As mentioned elsewhere, I do try to carry objects in my left hand, leaving my right (strong) hand free. This advice is actually centuries old.
When I will carry something in my strongside hand is when it's something heavy, hard, and very throwable. Might make a nice diversion from a draw :D
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