Encouraging pro-2A sentiment from relatives

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Green Lantern

Aug 16, 2006
I didn't want to "jack: this one in L&P: http://www.thehighroad.org/showthread.php?t=243702

-whereas that one deals with relatives that have "anti" sentiments, I'd like to share what was said at breakfast with an aunt of mine yesterday. She lives in a suburban area further downstate. I can't say for sure, but it's probably a fair guess that she interacts with a great many people with a more "progressive" view of RKBA...:barf:

Yet, we were talking about her daughter being concerned for her safety on the campus of the University she attends. And then the topic goes to school shootings, and my AUNT up and says she thinks teachers should be allowed to carry guns at work if they choose! :D

I worry that I might have "inhibited" her somewhat by saying that while I agreed with her 100%, there are people out there that would probably think she was insane for the idea (as I have encountered). But then again, giving her an antis' argument BEFORE the anti springs it just gives her more time to prepare a counter-statement! :cool:

I would like to point out that she was actually robbed at gunpoint at work before she was twenty. Though she does not carry a gun for self-defense herself, at least she blames the CRIMINAL, not his TOOL, for his actions!

Maybe she can be a light of truth among the "anti" crowd where she lives and works! :D
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