End Gun Violence!

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Lack of a common societal yardstick measuring right and wrong
More true than you can possibly believe. I work at a juvenile detention center as a counselor. You would be amazed by the amount of young people that have absolutely no concept of rith or wrong. Mostly due to the fact that their parents have never taken the time to teach it to them. Sometimes I feel like I am constantly :banghead: trying to get through to them.
Henry David Thoreau said that "There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root."

Anomie theory (as presented in the 19th century by French sociologist Emile Durkheim) states that crime arises from a need to achieve what society has deemed valuable--in our case, the "American Dream."

This obviously would never solve all crime, but social programs would go a long way in easing the plight of the poor. We should give back to our communities as well. As Educated Hillbilly pointed out, in cases where parents are simply not fulfilling their roles as moral instructors, people who step in as volunteers--readers, counselors, Big Siblings, and so forth--make more of a difference than they know.

Guns aren't the reason. They are the tools; the means to an end.
"end gun violence!" outlaw murder

oh wait....

bloodedsky has some good points.and Anomie has spawned many sub theory's that all are viable.
Basically, I want to know what your ideas are on what YOU can do to help. There is a problem and problems have solutions. What’s your idea?

Firstly, "gun violence" is a phony, manufactured term intended to evoke an emotional response from soccer moms. Violence is violence, I don't care what they used. A person killed with a knife is every bit as dead as someone who was strangled.

What are WE supposed to do about it? US? You certainly must be joking. This has the same lack of logic as when the MMM protests against illegal guns in front of FFL-holding gun stores. :rolleyes: you're preaching to the wrong crowd, man.

So, given that, I plan to do what have always done -- I am not going to murder anyone. There, that's my contribution.

Of course, I probably don't have to mention that the Brady's view justified homicide as "gun violence" also, so even though everyone around me benefits by me carrying, most of them will either never know it or never admit it.

Now, if you really want events like those you mentioned (mall shootings, etc.) to drop sharply, you need to do whatever you can to make these things happen:
  • Get all 50 states to issue permits on a true no-BS "shall issue" basis.
  • Get all 50 states to recognized the permits from the other 49 respective states.
  • Allow carry everywhere possible. Here in Utah, we can carry in schools, we can carry into places that serve alcohol (even Bars), and the "no guns allowed" signs hold no legal weight, so if you're found out, you will be asked to leave.

I probably don't have to tell you what the chances of any of those are... But that would do way more to stifle violence than any arbitrary anti-gun measure they'd come up with.

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