End of Trail moving to NM. Residents worried.

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Well, it doesn't appear that Raahauges is closing down. And, New Mexico is still in the EPA's jurisdiction. So, the lead contamination shutdown rumor doesn't seem likely.

Talk to the people around Butler, Pa, where the Society for Creative Anachronism holds it's annual Pennsic War every August.
Interesting that you should mention an SCA event. The Kingdom of The Outlands holds its annual "Grande Outlandish" in Torrrance County every year on Memorial day. That event draws about 2000 or so and IT causes no traffic problems. Nor are there and security or sewage issues.
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Torrance County is OK!

Hey, I was just out at the Punkin' Chunkin' contest outside Estancia last weekend with my 8-yr-old godson. They had cannons shooting pumpkins at an old car, and for distance. A friend of mine won for the 5th year running with a shot that went (IIRC) 3800' with an 11-lb pumpkin. (My friend let my godson launch one, too! Made the kid's week!)

The real residents of Torrance County are plenty happy to have EOT coming. Good people out there.
Second the opinion on the whiners on NM 217. ALL of them are from out-of-state.

It is not like the place is not used to crowds... I mean we only host one of the largest hot-air balloon shows in the world. It is not like we just jumped off the turnip (chile :D) truck... :rolleyes:

Over a million people come to see the Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta in a 10 day period. 2000 people is chump change.

I am all for booting the whiners from the hills, so to speak.
The two or three who thought this was some other state can whine all they want.

They must not have met most of their neighbors, who are far better armed than the average cowboy action shooter.

Never could understand why folks who don't like guns would want to live here.
They are certainly welcome to come to Idaho. I'de prefer the SASS to the idiotic Rainbow People.

Josey refers to the SASS as $A$$ and has overwhelming concerns about their events as well as membership.

Methinks there might possibly be an ulterior motive on his part.
From what I know about most of rural U.S., most counties would SWEAT BLOOD to have 25,000 money spending people "descend on them".

I think there may be valid questions about sewage, water, feeding, lodging, but those can be solved.
While I do believe Josey is over exagerating I do know there have been some pretty bad thefts from the sutler's over the years with one sutler losing almost $10,000 last EOT...
Regarding thefts from EOT in Norco, I never heard anything about such happenings. If firearm thefts occurred, you can bet the L.A. Times would be all over it bleating about lack of "secure storage" of firearms during events. OTOH, even though I am not a member, I took great pride in the fact that CA still had some gun related happening for lots of folks to enjoy either as participants or on-lookers. (The clothes cost more than the guns, boys!)
Let me clarify my post by saying I also never heard anything about guns missing/stolen, the sutler's I speak of lost merchandise...

And PKay is right.. Darn outfits cost as much as guns... Heck a good corset alone is 300.00-400.00... :eek:
You know, since SASS has be around and gained in popularity, the History Channel doesn't have to look for movie extras and scour Hollywood for costuming when they produce programs about the Old West. In fact, the SASS costuming is more accurate than the movie kind save for those who choose to dress up like a movie cowboy (Gene Autry, Roy Rogers, the Lone Ranger). I remember my Dad telling me about there being no "right" or "left" boots in the nineteenth century. They were all just one type. Wasn't 'till I met a SASS "professional" at the last Great Western Gun Show in Pomona that I learned my Dad was right, but all the boots were left foot! Was I being jive timed or what?
You are absolutely correct PKay... I've heard tell of many local cowboys/girls that are a regular part of the History Channels "reenactments". It's very cool...

and Erich...

The SASS crowd dangerous? An unruly element? By getting up early and organizing their insurance papers after 2 cups of decaf?

They seem to be the types that pick up after themselves. Those guys all have their oil changes on spread sheets or pie charts. They only danger they pose is if they tell you stories about their grandkids, may bore you to death.:D
The point you are all missing is that 2 lousy leftist newpaper Propagandists wrote an article critical of an annual shooting event, no actual residents of said area around SASS replied.

All we have for Proof that local residents are upset about all this is the words of Ruben Gonzales and Kathy Louise Schuit of the Mountain View Telegraph. Who the hell are they? Since when do we go around believing what we read in the Mass Controlled Media?:rolleyes: :cuss:
The shooting of live rounds and blanks from single-action pistols and rifles is also part of the program. N.M. 217 residents want to know who will regulate that activity.
No one. That's the beauty of living in the U.S. of A.

They didn't have portapotties next to the trail in the 1800's.

Look out America.

We're gun owners and we're taking our rights back and comming to a neighborhood near you.

Get used to it or move to Canada or its sister country, California.
I talked to my friend John Stocum (whose Fort Stocum is just a few miles away from the new site) about it a few days ago - he says everyone up there is pretty happy about it . . . with the exception of a couple of whiney CA types. Those folks have been told where they can go.
If they could afford it, they'd already be there.

Naw, not my fight. I don't have to live with them - Stocum and other characters have expressed the sentiment that the whiners should move back to CA/wherever more colorfully than Art's granmaw would care to hear. :)

Man, Santa Fe is such a pit of weirdos. :(
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