Entreprise Fals

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Aug 21, 2007
I am looking at a FAL and saw entreprise arms and that they are cheaper than DSA and was wondering what is their quality like? I see that I can get a DSA for not too much more, would you say that their worth the extra cash?

I had deleted it, but since Ash caught me it is back. lol
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Okay...Entreprise (spelled that way) has a somewhat spotty reputation, but generally decent and certainly better than Century. I once owned an Entreprise built (on an Entreprise-made receiver) STG-58 and was satisfied with it.

Entreprise had some problems for a while. They seem to have worked pretty hard to bring their QC issues under control. (Though I'd still like to know if they have that attorney Mike Meyer associated with their company at all, I'd avoid any company that dealt with him. Anybody know about that?) I considered getting an Entreprise gun but I got a great deal on DSA stuff and plan to assemble it myself so that's the way I went. I wouldn't worry if I were you about buying from Entreprise today if I wanted an all around decent FAL. Their rifles are better today than they were in the late '90s and a damned sight better than many of the Century guns. DSA is still better quality, it's up to you to decide if it's worth the extra money.
Ive got a Entreprise receivered FAL. It took a lot of money and work, but it now runs like a raped ape.

I also have Imbel and DSA receivered FALs that in the long run cost less money and hassle than the Entreprise.

Save your money up, get the DSA (or Imbel if you can find one).
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