Even gun grabbers concede CCW law works well.

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Dec 31, 2002

10-year record would vouch for expanded gun law
November 13,2005

North Carolina's concealed handgun law, which becomes 10 years old next month, has worked well. Even gun-control advocates concede that point.Now one gun-rights group - Grass Roots North Carolina - hopes the law will be expanded so that people with concealed handgun permits will have fewer restrictions on where they can carry their weapons.

We think that there is some merit in the organization's idea.

For example, the group's president recently suggested that permit-holders should be allowed to carry their weapons in public parks. It would provide protection for joggers from potential attackers.

Gun-control advocates would likely balk at this proposal, suggesting that such a lessening of restrictions would make parks - where children play - dangerous places.

We disagree.

And we do so because we haven't seen other places that law-abiding citizens are allowed to carry their guns become more dangerous.

When you go into a restaurant that doesn't serve alcohol, are you even aware that the eating establishment is a place where permit-holders are allowed to carry their guns? That is, of course, unless the owner of the restaurant has placed a sign in the window prohibiting such weapons at the business.

How about a department store? Or a clothing store? Or a hardware store?

A lot of places allow permit-holders to carry their weapons. And because these folks just want to have their guns for their own safety, they're not interested in flashing their weapons, so you never know that they're even there.

You never know it because these folks aren't interested in seeing a return to the Wild West. In fact, our guess is they hope they'll never have to use their weapon, or even take it out and brandish it. They just want the protection from would-be criminals that their gun gives them and the security that if need be, they can have a meaningful way of defending themselves and their family members.

The past 10 years have shown us that there is no reason to fear allowing law-abiding citizens who are trained in handgun safety to carry their weapons.

We don't expect the next 10 years to be any different.
And Washington, D. C., Chicago and the Land o' Rice a Roni & Cable Cars.
It is rather difficult to say

"Mind your place, serf! Respect your betters and go back to your toils!"

to someone who carries a sidearm.
North Carolina's concealed handgun law, which becomes 10 years old next month, has worked well. Even gun-control advocates concede that point.

The CCW law works well? In what capacity? If they mean in the capacity of licensed concealed carry people not committing a lot of crime, then sure it works fine.

What the gun grabbers fear is not the law abiding citizens with guns, but people breaking the law with guns. A person can be 100% law abiding until committing that first crime. Of course, once committed, they are no longer law abiding.
When one compares the rates of violent confrontational crime committed with guns throughout the United States, with the laws permitting armed citizens, as John Lott, Dave Kopel, Gary Kleck and Joyce Lee Malcolm have investigated, you see that an armed citizenry does have an effect.

That effect is a lower rate of violence.

Lower violence rates would mean less demand, and therefore less need, and for Liberals, less grants for Liberal social programs that wish to cradle to grave coddle people.

Dasmi, I agree. It is not the criminals the gun banners seek to disarm. It is the citizenry, who are independent thinkers, and self reliant individual.
Double Naught Spy said:
The CCW law works well? In what capacity? If they mean in the capacity of licensed concealed carry people not committing a lot of crime, then sure it works fine.

What the gun grabbers fear is not the law abiding citizens with guns, but people breaking the law with guns. A person can be 100% law abiding until committing that first crime. Of course, once committed, they are no longer law abiding.
Funny, isn't it? That they want to determine what is a crime.

Gun grabbers know and understand that what they are doing, and trying to do has zero effect on criminals. Their goal is to turn a lawful activity into a crime.
They KNOW that people with guns would 'object' to what they want to do. (Ok, mabe 'veto' would be the better verb.)

'Mr.Orwell, call your office.'

"So many hopolophobes, so little time."
Hopefully something comes out of this as I am planning a move to NC next year and one thing that has been eating at me is all the restrictions in place there. I still cannot fathom why one cannot carry into a movie theatre or restaurant. It boggles my mind.

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