Even HEZBOLLAH Condemns Beheading!

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Jan 21, 2004
Holy CRAP! It's pretty bad when something's too harsh even for a terror group!

They probably thought that the killers should have sent in a kid strapped with explosives to blow up Mr. Berg instead.

Thursday May 13, 05:02 AM

Hizbollah Slams Beheading of American as Un-Islamic
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Lebanon's Hizbollah guerrilla group condemned Wednesday the beheading of an American hostage by Iraqi militants as an ugly crime that flouted the tenets of Islam.
"Hizbollah condemns this horrible act that has done very great harm to Islam and Muslims by this group that claims affiliation to the religion of mercy, compassion and humane principles," the Shi'ite Muslim group said in a statement.

An Islamist Web site Tuesday carried a video clip of the execution of the man who identified himself as Nick Berg, with a statement saying a group linked to al Qaeda did it in revenge for the abuse of Iraqis by U.S. troops.

Hizbollah said Berg's killing had diverted the world's gaze from an escalating furor over the abuse of Iraqi prisoners by occupation soldiers.

"The timing of this act that overshadowed the scandal over the abuse of Iraqi prisoners in occupation forces prisons is suspect timing that aims to serve the American administration and occupation forces in Iraq and present excuses and pretexts for their inhumane practices against Iraqi detainees."

The Syrian-backed group which the United States deems "terrorist" said the executors' behavior was closer to "the Pentagon school -- the school of killing and occupation and crimes and torture and immoral practices that were exposed by the great scandal in occupation prisons."

Washington blames Hizbollah, whose attacks forced Israeli troops to withdraw from south Lebanon in 2000 after a 22-year occupation, for 1980s suicide bombings against its embassy and Marines barracks and the abduction of Westerners in Beirut.
"The timing of this act that overshadowed the scandal over the abuse of Iraqi prisoners in occupation forces prisons is suspect timing that aims to serve the American administration and occupation forces in Iraq and present excuses and pretexts for their inhumane practices against Iraqi detainees."

The Syrian-backed group which the United States deems "terrorist" said the executors' behavior was closer to "the Pentagon school -- the school of killing and occupation and crimes and torture and immoral practices that were exposed by the great scandal in occupation prisons."

Hizbollah must post on DU.:D
I'm not sure they actually condemned it. Looks more like they are disappointed that (from their perspective) they lost the moral high ground in the court of public opinion. In other words they condemn the timing, not the act. Of course, many of our own people were doing the same with regards to the prison abuse scandal.
If even Hezbolah (sp?) condemns the beheading of Mr. Berg, it really makes me worry about what we are fighting.......
They're just mad because they didn't do it right.

You know, 50 bonus points for martyring yourself when you kill an infidel.
It seems to me that they are suspicious of the US govt. actually carrying this slaughter out to make Islamofacists look bad. They say that this is not Islam. Are they saying the cut throats who did this are not repesenting what Islam is about, or are they saying that there is no way these cut throats could be Islamic, but rather are more likely Americans or agents of the Americans?

I think the reporter may have gotten this wrong and misinterpreted what Hezbollah said. Just my honest opinion, based upon their questioning of the timing and how it looks more like an American M.O.
there is no way these cut throats could be Islamic, but rather are more likely Americans or agents of the Americans?

This will be the next allegation from the left. Just watch..........
This will be the next allegation from the left. Just watch..........

Ted Kennedy has already climbed half way out on that limb with his statement that Saddam's torture chambers have been reopened, this time under american management.

Quick! Pass me that Swede saw!
Hypocrites. That's what they are among other things.

And they realize that part of the fallout from this is coming down on them.

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