Ever had your choice of CCW "dissed"by others?

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Hot brass, the quote goes more like:

" A 9mm might expand, but I'm pretty sure a .45 won't shrink"

What is great fun is to pull your carry piece out, if in a proper environment and show it to them. Ask politely to see theirs. :evil: Generally get the "I don't have it on me at the moment" reply. Smile and say "At this point mine is better than yours". :D
I submit that anyone who would "diss" a Colt Commander, "only" seven rounds on tap and the .45 ACP cartridge ... has never been present when shots have been fired in anger ...
Most of these guys are "competition shooters"who rairly carry. They seem to have more money than good sense,and have to have the latest and greatest wonderkin to come out. I believe that they are upset with me as I tend to score in the top 5-7 in every match I attend. They tend to believe that equipment is more imporant than PRACTICE. I shoot 100rds a week in the back yard,every week,from one or two of my carry guns.And yes I do carry "mouse guns"( 9mm A-75 ) when the occasion demands.

My carry ammo for my 45's is Speer Lawman 200gr "Flying Ashtrays" and I use 147gr Gold dots in the 9mm.

I have been known to compete with a 45 Webly and 2 SAA! :neener: Have fun!

Cold and Wet in Texas
Sounds like they are engaging in some kind of twisted group therapy so they can feel good about all the dough they shell out on the newest whiz-bang wonderguns.
Most of my friends and associates that like firearms ooh and aww over my CCW just because I have a permit to carry. In Iowa it is up to the Sheriff of the county you live in and some, not all of the more populated counties the sheriff is uncooperative or has a ton of restrictions on getting a carry permit.

My friends and associates who don't like or understand firearms just can't figure out why I would even consider carrying a "loaded gun".

I haven't been made fun of because of carry piece, except by one guy who told me that .45 acp is like throwing pumpkins. I just smiled and nodded and walked away.

I always get grief, either from those who say, "CZ is cheap junk!", to the other who say "It's a what?" That's OK, the second half get to try it out, and usually end up wanting one or two themselves....
I haven't been made fun of because of carry piece, except by one guy who told me that .45 acp is like throwing pumpkins. I just smiled and nodded and walked away.
Yeah, just like pumpkins. Really HARD pumpkins. Travelling at 830ft/sec. And like, pumpkins, .45 rounds tend to expand quite a bit. :)
I haven't taken the time to read every post but anybody who has ever carried a Glock or any .22 or .25 caliber gun should know the answer to this inquiery.
My personal favorite is when someone calls .45 ACP an antiquated caliber, and then tells you to get a 9mm. :scrutiny:

The only people who see my CCW pieces are new shooters that I take to the range, and a group I shoot competitions with. The former are too unededucated to make fun, and the latter group is respects "the right to choose."

If I'm ever around people who make fun of my carry piece (other than in pure jest), it'll be time to seek my entertainment elsewhere and leave the uber-tactical battle buddies behind.

edit: misspelled "uneducated." Ironical.
Personally in this day and age I'm glad to see a law-abiding citizen carry any kind of pistol. I have guns from .357 mag to .40 and down to a pathetic .22 short RG pistol. Even after shooting the .22 short I can say that I definately wouldn't want to get shot with it. If I had the chance to run or get shot with it, even with the CB rounds, I'd run my but off.

My point is, if every non-criminal was armed even with .22s or .25s and crooks knew it, I bet you'd see crime drop drastically.

I remember seeing a security video where a shop owner, who's being robbed, grabs a .38 revolver out of a paper sack and shoots the 3 or 4 robbers who are armed with 9mm autos. He lived and I believe all of the others died. You could definately tell on the video who won the fight hands down, even with the .38 wheelgun.

Any gun is better than no gun as we all know.

oh yeah!

My first carry piece was a berreta M21A in .22 LR.

This was back when the Minnesota carry law let you ccw a gun at age 18 but not buy a handgun or handgun ammo until age 21.

i got around it by carrying a 22LR which is a rifle round, booya!, loophole! gotta love'em.

Everyone poked fun at the little thing, even the guy that gave it to me as a gift (another loophole) go figure!

It was real funny until a offered to shoot them in the leg so they could find out how wimpy .22 is, didn't get any takers, wonder why.

currently carrying a 1911 .45acp.
yeah i get these 1911 snobs that insist i should be carrying a colt commander lightweight instead of my rock-solid Kimber.
I haven't been dissed, but I've heard my wife's pistol (S&W M60) referred to as a good "ladies gun". That sets me off, since I bought the thing for myself. I own and shoot .22 to .44 mag, and I LIKE .38s. They go bang every time and I don't have to fumble with them like I do my 1911. Like a previous poster said, offer to shoot 'em in the leg to prove how obsolete it is.
I've had many "disses" on my choice of CCW. I know my weapons and have complete faith in them and thier abilities. I also know myself and my abilities. We will get the job done if need be.

The opinions of wannabes don't mean much when plugged into that equation. :rolleyes:
Opinions are like are like azzlepores, everyone's got one, they all stink. Since I have only 1*, what I choose to protect it with is my business. If and when someone else becomes dependent on my protection, I might maybe consider their input, but I figure if they like me enough to ask for cover, they're already satisfied with my ability to provide same.
If someone pokes fun at your CCW compared to theirs, ask them how many people they've shot with theirs, and what the results were. Tends to bring things down to earth in a hurry!
A short list of what I have carried

A Grendel .380
A Rossi M88
A Kel-tec P11
A Keltec P32
A Taurus 650

Yeah, I've heard a few kneeslappers. The comments usually stop once the shooting starts. Whatever you carry, practice, practice, practice. And anyone who would diss a .45 obviously ain't looking at the wrong end of one.

I can't believe ANY Texan would dis a .45 OR a Colt.

Are you sure you aren't in Oklahoma??

Oh, wait.......Austin! Right?!?!?!
I have a Sig239 and a Kimber Pro-carry. Funny though, I usally walk out the door with the .38 snubby.

Outdated and antiquated caliber???

I hardly think so.
I CCW a Kimber Custom Defender II .45 ACP with Crimson Trace grips. If anyone doesn't like it I just tell them:

"My a$$, my choice. Your a$$, your choice."
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