Every AR15 owner should know this!!

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So what are you guys getting all worked up for? Juvenile? How is bumpfiring juvenile, besides did you see that group? Was anything about his gun handling unsafe? No. If bumpfiring is considered juvenile/stupid/more fuel for the anti gunners, then I wonder what your opinion is of tannerite.

Do you realize how many people think owning machine guns is illegal? There are thousands of them circulating among us. If people are going to be afraid of this guy bumpfiring, they're going to be just as afraid watching us dump a magazine through our "assault rifles" simply by pulling the trigger quickly.

Wasting ammo? That's your opinion, but I call that fun. That is why we have machine gun shoots right? That's why gun ranges rent machine guns right? People want to experience full auto.
This will just serve for the ATF to make rules prohibiting good quality triggers in EBRs so that this kind of crap can't happen.

Sorry to everyone, but wake up and smell the gun oil--it's crap like this that affects legislation to the point to where, no matter how many internet gun board members have their bravado, firearms companies must comply with the laws currently in effect (that the ATF arbitrarily decides) in order to stay in business, which means that ultimately, we must abide by the rules.

Don't like it, elect people who will change the rules; don't try this type of stuff trying to circumnavitage them, because they WILL find out, and they WILL take appropriate action to make this kind of crap hard to accomplish, affecting the rest of us who use our ARs without trying to "get around" the ATF.

"Molon labe" and "down with the Anti's" all you want, but at the end of the day, this kind of thing influences ATF decisions, and that's when we all, ultimately, lose.
This guy worked (or may still be working) at a gun shop I used to visit. I never really took him as the mall-ninja type.

The whole concept of bump-firing is kinda silly. It's a great way to get attention on the range ( or the Internet ).
My point (And being the first to comment, I guess I started it) wasn't that there's anything wrong with sticking a rubber band on the rifle.

I never said anything of the sort.

My point is that the anti's can use this video as proof that our AR15s are in fact the evil bullet spraying assault rifles they have been claiming they are all along.

My point is that I, you, and the NRA will not have an argument to defend against this video when the gun grabbers show it to voters all across the country and ask "How will this evil assault rifle affect your children?" while showing a slide presentation of the kids running out of Columbine High?

My point is that this sort of video is the very reason why gun grabbers are afraid of our rifles.

Heck, if a guy wants to burn some ammo by bump firing his rifle, more power to him.

I agree that the shooter in that vid seemed to have a good grasp of the basics of good gun handling, and what I saw wasn't putting anybody in danger.

I agree that he broke no laws.

But come on... who is going to try to tell me that this video isn't throwing gas on the fire.

This isn't a good time to throw gas on the fire. We're trying to put the fire out.
On the bright side, he was well-groomed, articulate, wasn't wearing a "Kaffir" t-shirt, and didn't come across as some sort of redneck Rambo wannabe.

That's certainly a step in the right direction.
On the bright side, he was well-groomed, articulate, wasn't wearing a "Kaffir" t-shirt, and didn't come across as some sort of redneck Rambo wannabe.

That's certainly a step in the right direction.
One step forward with two steps back is not going in the right direction for this issue.
I tried bump firing, and I can't do it... I'll be thrown out and banned from my club if I did it from the hip via the belt loop method, shoulder they wouldn't really care, but its just too damn hard. You can't actually put your finger in the trigger guard area only, you need the rest of your hand for the pistol grip to hold up the rifle... sigh..

The anti's up here were using this is a small example of why semi autos should be banned, they made a bill introducing no more semi auto's including handguns etc.
Our PM threw it out saying that we already have huge restrictions on semi autos and handguns already, in which they were more than enough of an ordeal for an owner to go through.
Thought that was awesome.
Well now I am going to go do this make a video and put it on youtube

Why? Because I should be able to modify my gun anyway I please according to the 2nd amendment,

I don't know what 2nd amendment you guys are reading.
"... the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed, unless it's scary arms... or, they're depicted being used in a scary manner, or someone once used one to do bad things, or............"
Why are facts always the enemy right wing activists? TRUTH should be all that matters. ALWAYS give me the facts and let the chips fall as they will.

"Why in the world would they give the gun grabbers a video like that to use against us?

"It's easily converted to a machine gun" say the gun grabbers.

"No it's not" we say.

Then, this Bozo makes that video."
I am not going to get involved in the semantics and slap-fighting going on about whether he should or should not have done so and simply say that I personally found it sort of cool, and I will probably give it a try next time I am at the range.
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