Fantastic Anti-Gun Control Video

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Excellent show....Is that on season 3?

I don't have showtime, but own the first 2 seasons on dvd, and have been meaning to stop by best buy for awhile now to pick up the third season...It makes excellent points on all controversial subjects, with this one being most relevant at the moment...Just another reason why this is one of my favorite shows.

Gotta smile about the Rosie bumper sticker :)
Eleven Mike...I believe they were referring to OUR standing "militia", the army controlled by the government. Makes perfect sense.

No, they referred to the Framers as having "just fought a war for two years, against a radical state militia." Of course, the Revolutionary War was much longer than two years, but I can't figure to what else they might have referred.
Click the link in The-Fly's post. It should give you a save prompt, it did for me (I'm using netscape)
Could someone more familar with the interwebs tell me how to download that video?

follow this link:

for future reference, you can download google videos by selecting "download for Win/mac" on the right hand side bar. Then click "manually download the video". This will download a small textfile ending with .gvp. open it in notepad. it should look like this:
# download the free Google Video Player from
title:Penn & Teller's Bull****:  Gun Control
description:Penn & Teller's Bull****:  Gun Control

to download the video, copy the web address after the "url:" into your browser window. This is a link to a .avi version of the movie, playable on nearly any computer, without having to use Google's proprietary movie player. :)
Penn & Teller for President & VP


I've been thinking about that, and it's starting to make some sense. They are...ahum...a little rough around the edges, but nobody's perfect. I think I like them better than the other suspects - I mean prospects. I've voted Republican in every Presidential race since 1980, but President Penn does have a nice ring to it.

I think it would be cool to have a Chief Executive to call Bull**** on the sorry excuse of a Congress that we have. And how about N. Korea, Iran, the UN, etc., etc. I would love to see President Penn call Bull**** on such hooligans.

They've got my vote.
I just watched this today. I think its great, and I like the fact they didn't use the usual suspects for the anti-gun control commentary. It lends more credence to making the point "yeah, this is the view of the majority of Americans; it isn't wacky or radical".

Its salty, but that's their way. Hey, its my way, too . . . when I'm not here moderating. Just ask my wife. "Can't you swear less, Ken?" . . . "No, not really," I reply.

I actually think the arguements are quite sound. Its not shrill. It simply states those who wish to disarms us are at best misguided, ignorant of history, and irrationally distrustful of their fellow men.
I've been watching Penn & Teller's "Bull****" since its inception and I think it's a great show. But.

There's always a but.

P&T themselves show a significant amount of bias centered around a few key areas. The show has a very strong libertarian/privitization sort of slant. Now, P&T themselves also admit in the intro to the first show that they are "biased as all ****" themselves. Which is fine. But they really should make it part of the setup in every episode. The show suffers from two traits: First, P&T tend to grossly oversimplify the topic at hand in most cases. Second, they take too seriously their role of playing devil's advocate to the point that in some cases they themselves start resorting to the same tactics as their opponents. This goes hand in hand with the oversimplification in most cases. Usually it takes the form of omitting or working around otherwise factual data that would contradict or just plain complicate P&T's own argument.

The gun control episode is one of their finest works. No complaints there, and no complaints about their shows on the war on (some) drugs, mystics, ESP, aliens, and other "duh" sort of topics.


In particular, the recycling episode grossly oversimplifies the situation and while arguing against recycling on some very valid economic terms it sidesteps many other valid points. The bible episode, as another example, is cheeky and entertaining but not in any way balanced or even completely factual. I'm not disagreeing with thier overall message - I'm disagreeing with Penn's line "it is fair to say that the bible contains equal parts fact, history, and pizza." Which is flagrantly incorrect. In cutting together their "interview" with their bible expert (his name escapes me) they leave in his line about the bible containing some verifiable, currently considered factual passages. They do this only to contrast some of his other semi-nutball views about biblical miracles while completely ignoring the fact that once you get beyond the passages about parting seas, blowing up cities, ten plagues, and so forth there are whole (admittedly boring) chapters about who was king where, who waged war against who and who won.

Which scholars are slowly verifying through other, non-biblical, non-religous evidence. But since I knew this and they deliberately glossed over it, it made me look at the series again with a more critical eye.

You should bring your salt shaker, too. Penn & Teller are good guys and they're on our side, for the most part, but they aren't oracles any more than anyone else on this planet.
PirateJoe, I tried your suggestion. It downloaded. But, I can't get it to open with MediaPlayer or any other video fileplayer I use. Hmmm . . . I'll continue trying something else.
You should try VLC. I've used it for a while and it plays everything I've ever thrown at it. Even broken video files, which it offers to fix for me in some cases.
Yeah I agree that this was a very educational, entertaining, and fascinating show. I'm definitely going to encourage all my friends to watch this episode.

On the other hand I also think Penn and Teller went a little too far with the charactar assasination of that anti gun twit. They spent way to much time making us hate him with montages of him in his "comfy" chair with his obnoxious dog. Yes it was hilarious, but seriously... is being a yuppie idiot really what anti gun politics are about? You might say yes, but I'd say this guy's lameness is irrelevent to the debate. It's a gross oversimplification which doesn't help anyone... the same tactics and Michael Moore AND Rush Limbaugh.

Otherwise, great show.
Eleven Mike said:
No, they referred to the Framers as having "just fought a war for two years, against a radical state militia." Of course, the Revolutionary War was much longer than two years, but I can't figure to what else they might have referred.

P&T are referring to Shays' Rebellion (1786-1787).
OK. I'm illit . . illet . .. a computer dufus.

What's VLC?

You're making the mistake of not taking me literally. Or maybe I made the mistake that you'd do the same.

VLC is a media player. That's what it's called... VLC.

Download it from here.
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