favorite calibers

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Both .22LR and Mag have their uses and I have one revolver and two rifles that handle those rounds.
Bushmaster said it earlier - a .243 with the right loads (and good placement) will handle most game. I have 60 and 75 gr HP's and 100 gr PSP's that work on everything from 'coons, 'possums, coyotes on up to whitetails and muleys.
And the venerable 12 ga. BUT not a pump or SA. I use an ~50 y.o. SxS with double triggers because I can put 2 different loads with 2 different chokes and do either quail/pheasant/squirrels near and far, quail and rabbits, etc. Yes, it is a little heavier to carry and swing but it is also shorter and more maneuverable in heavy brush.
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