Favorite Chamber Safety Flags

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why buy chamber flags....when for the same price...you can buy a pack of zip ties, and make 10 of them


just take 2 ties and zip them together as shown.......work great and cost pennies.

either that or a spool of weed whacker line cut into 12" lengths also work great.
Unless you have a falling-block (Ruger No. 1, Browning High Wall, or similar) I'm not sure there is much difference between the flags with the straight vs. those with bent inserts.

These work with falling-block actions -

Chamber safety flag

while the style with the straight insert just fall out if you have to stand the rifle on its butt with the action open.
Zip Ties are the simple, cheap, easy, replaceable, available, visible, and fast way to have chamber flags.

You can even fold over the tip of the barrel-inserting zippy and have it not fall out easily.
They come in all colors and you can toss a handful under the foam in all your gun cases and make a flag OR tamper-seal a gun/case on the spot.
I cut lengths of weed whacker cord and make a "flag" at one end with orange duct tape. I use these in my pistol courses as they are easily visible.

I also made dozens of these for use at the rifle range of the local boy scout camp.

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