Feelers on Jan/Feb Svord Gent Peasant buy (NZ primitive pocketknives)

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Dec 28, 2002

Feeling these out. It'll take them about another month to get many GPKs together, so no hurry. Also holding off since folks probably want to get realigned financially after Christmas, so aiming for late Jan or early Feb.

Barring any major changes in the NZ and US dollars, I'm aiming to get the little GPK (around 1 7/8" blade) for $29 shipped.

On intriguing option, though we'd need to get 20 orders together (might need to solicit on other boards to get enough orders): they can make mini-Peasants in red-stag antler tips. Min order 20ct, and they'll have to be about $59 shipped. Blades available 2"-5", clip or drop point. Not sure if all 20 have to be the same type, or whether we can vary, so just voice your potential pref.

No obligation at this point, but if folks want to post here giving me some notion as to whether they want the standard metal GPK or the stag, that'll give me some feel for it. I can positively get a decent GPK GB, not sure on the stag. If you want to invite folks from other forums to sign up on THR and post interest too, that'd be great, especially if they want to help us reach the stag min order.

Have ordered a huge lot of (50) Douk-Douks. Will have them in by late Jan, but will hold the GB in Marchish, so as not to overwhelm folks. Have no other particular GBs in mind after that, but maybe some unemployed college-kid will want to hold a Mercator GB in summer or so. I already have a Mercator, and will either be in military training or in Tajikistan this summer.

I would definitely be in for two of the standards, and possibly for one of the stag handled ones.
Also pencil me in for one Douk-Douk.
I really appreciate the efforts you are making Matthew! :)
The first Svords are awesome

I bought two and have really been putting one to the test on a job site. Very impressed.....I think maybe the stag might be too fancy for me...but definately in on the Douks.:)
Okay, looking to roll this one back to a month or two before Father's Day, and will get Gold Membership on BladeForums (the _hugest_ weapons-related hobby forum, even bigger than ARF) which will allow me to expand the buy to there.

On the bright side, this means I can run the Douk-Douk buy sometime in Jan or Feb. I'm anticipating offering a better shipped price and better selection than anybody on the Internet. Actually, that kinda goes without saying, otherwise I'd just post a link to someone's website and say "oh, good deal over here"


I'm not sure how the group buy thing works, but I would commit to two of the Svord gent peasants. Regret missing the original Peasant buy.

Already have a douk douk.

Thanks, MV, for your work in putting this together.

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