Feinstein wants a compromise

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HAHAHA Everyone laugh and point at diane!

Why would we comprimise if we're going to win anyway?
Ragardless of subject......you either are or you aren't period, compromise is weakness.

Anyone remember the story of the indian boy and the snake?

You knew what I was when you picked me up.
Never compromise on these issues. Compromise is a victory for the antis.

So we have "original" capacity magazines but another ten years of no "assault rifles" gets us more and more used to it and ages us (and those who cannot now vote) a little more. Assault rifles stay away and all they have to worry about is banning the magazines at that point.

Conservatives need to enact legislation to LOOSEN restrictions on firearms, NOT merely stand placidly and try to maintain the status quo. A compromise does nothing but move the status quo farther to the left.
No! No! No! No compromises!!! Go for the jugular! End the AWB totally. She has just shown weakness and in war, you exploit it to the fullness of your capabilities. History is full of no-names who had a chance at greatness but because they were faint-hearted and lacked resolve, let a golden opportunity slip away. Say no to Feinstein and watch them give each other a thumbs up when the AWB dies a noisy and bloody death!
Guys...there is no reason to have to compromise at this point. Just like in MD, they have realized that they don't have the mojo to pull it off so they are pulling back to there secondary positions.

We have the momentum and have to drive all the way home with it.
I'd like to propose a REALLY fine compromise: Mrs. Feinstein lets the AWB die in exchange for her ousting from office by the voters. :evil:
I think she's stated that if she had the votes she'd ban all guns. Well, except for police, military, and female senators from California.

If she had the votes, I doubt if she'd be open to compromise.

AWB might as well sunset. I don't think a bayonet lug or pistol grip makes much difference in crime statistics.

I wonder if any other limiting laws can be rolled back, including the NFA. :)

( Anyway, I won't put hi-cap magazines in my 1911)

Early this morming on MSNBC Diane Feinstien admitted she had little chance to renew her AWB and was willing to work out a deal with the republicans to allow "orignal capacity" mags to be sold again in exchange for assult rifle ban to continue.

The heck with that! I say we hold out for bayonet lugs....
Diane Feinstien admitted she had little chance to renew her AWB
So if we're going to WIN, why in the world would we COMPROMISE? :confused:

What's in it FOR US?

A compromise now would be snatching defeat from the jaws of victory!!
Yeah, lady, I gotcher compromise...RIGHT HERE!!! Just remember her line: "If I could get 51 votes...."

Wasn't the original AWB a compromise? Didn't DiFi and her cronies want to start off with a total ban on any self-loading rifle?

The compromise was just the scary ones.

Now she can compromise with us. Kill the ban, and maybe we'll stay away from the '89 ban for a little longer.

People, it's time to call your Senators again. Today.
*** does she care? She's from CA. They already outlaw these things. The federal law does not affect her constituents.

Back off lady :cuss:
I got a compromise for ya, Feinstein...
How about you shut up, the AWB sunsets, and we pass legislation requiring every American household to own at least one EEEVILL "assault weapon"!
It's for the children......
Here's my compromise.

In exchange for the abolition of the 1989 Bush ban, the 1968 ban on new automatic rifles, and the 1934 NFA we'll enact legislation requiring all firearms manufacturers to prove their weapons don't go off when dropped. The test would cost 100 dollars per model of firearm and consist of dropping the firearm in every state of readiness from a height of 25 feet onto concrete, and then firing the gun to verify functionality.

Ms. Feinstein, this piece of legislation would effectively eliminate all accidental firearms deaths due to users dropping the weapon, causing an accidental discharge. It would also ensure that homeowners had a safe product they could rely on not to just go off by itself!
If our best "friends" (they are, because of their radicalism) like Boxer, Feinstein, Schumer, and "the swimmer" Kennedy will be defeated at the next election, you'll see a LOT of Democrats "supporting" the 2nd amendment.

They don't care about crime prevention, or protecting "oooour chiiiiiildren", they are only interested in votes to keep them in their nice, cozy, and self-settled earning elitist functions.

And, by the way, there are a LOT of Democrats in the Republican party (if you can't defeat them, join them).
I wonder if the Repubs would have the cojones to jump on this opportunity and squash her like the bug she is

I'll donate the slipper!!!:neener:

As a past resident of the PRK, I have written SOOOO many letters to her, and Boxer it's not funny. She probably hates my guts on a personal basis (That's a good thing right??)

She should move to some place like like Somalia for a while. See how peacefully people are slaughtered when they aren't armed??
Nope. No compromise.

Why should we compromise? The end of the assault weapon ban and high cap magazine ban is a victory for us. If we compromise, thats just snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.

I think that we need to push on and hand them another defeat. Like, allowing new class 3/NFA weapons to be put into circulation for private citizens again.

When your enemy is down on the ground squirming and asking for terms of surrender instead of asking for their mommy, the thing to do is kick them more until they give up unconditionally.

Not saying that the ban on those is good, just that that is the only part of the ban that might have an effect on the effectiveness of a firearm.
I know that Senators give priority to correspondence from their constituents first, but I had to write to Senator Larry Craig. I'm planning on sending a similar note to Senator Bill Frist. Here is what I wrote to Senator Craig.


Dear Senator Craig,

Let me commend you on your correct stance on the 2nd Amendment and the RKBA. Your efforts on the senate floor during the debate for SB1805 was very much appreciated by myself and my peers over at http://www.thehighroad.org. We had a realtime webforum play-by-play of the debate, and watched in horror as Democrat after Democrat piled on poison-pill amendments to SB1805.

I am writing to you because I am not properly represented in the Senate by Feinstein and Boxer. And now, I hear that Senator Feinstein on MSNBC, is looking for a compromise to have the AWB continue in exchange for allowing the standard capacity (greater than 10 round) magazine ban to sunset. I SAY NO! We, RKBA proponents, have a victory in the upcoming sunset of the AWB/SCMB, and WE SHOULD NOT snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

Please do not entertain any 'compromises' from Senator Feinstein or her ilk regarding the people's right to keep and bear arms.

Thank you for your efforts,
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