Feinstein wants AWB renewed....

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Eric Howard, spokesman for the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, said that just because there are no statistics to prove it does not mean the expiration of the ban hasn't had a negative effect.

I have an agenda the facts are irrelevant.

"Now manufacturers are kicking it up and we're seeing things like fingerprint-proof resistant grips," he said. "

The finishes are "resistant" to the salts and acids that are in your skin when you handle the weapon, they are not "resistant" to the fingerprint.

If the technology of "fingerprint resistant" surfaces was real, why nickel & dime around with guns? Refrigerators, thats were the money would be. ;)
She has the endorsement of many organizations, including police officers associations.

Just who is a member of these organizations and is there anyone here who is a member? :what:

Feinstein is LOVED and SUPPORTED by the people of California, otherwise she wouldn't be constantly voted back in office. :scrutiny:
Feinstein is LOVED and SUPPORTED by the people of California, otherwise she wouldn't be constantly voted back in office.

She isn't loved by us former U.S. citizens, held captive in California. Even my mother who hates guns does not like Feinstein. It's just that she would never vote Republican...and neither would I to tell you the truth. Of course the Democrats have been less than attractive to say the least. I pretty much never like my choices I have on election day. But I promise you, I would never vote for that hypocrite b****.

If you think its bad that she is still in office trying to inflict her nonsense upon the country, imagine being stuck in a place where everything she wants passes virtually unimpeded. And it has a lot to do with her influence. So enjoy your AWB sunset, while California drifts into a different kind of sunset. It was fun living in the U.S., while it lasted.
Nice article. It names two people who are consuming recources but who aren't producing any necessary products. Drones are a drag on productive society and need removing at regualr intervals.
"Since the assault weapons ban was allowed to expire, it has been open season for criminals who want the most dangerous types of military-style assault weapons," declared Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif.,

shes seen too many hollywood movies..and the scary thing is, I think she believes it.
shes seen too many hollywood movies..and the scary thing is, I think she believes it.

I actually doubt it. But see, it doesn't really matter whether or not she believes it. She is a politician and sees personal gain for her ambitions in being known as the prime crusader for her cause. Facts are not important to her. It is only important to her that the majority of voters would rather take her word for it, than openly support 2A (using the facts) out of fear of appearing to be irrational red-neck idiots who want to tote guns everywhere as compensation for their "obvious" inadequacies. It is elitism at its worst.

Anti-2A is nothing more than her signature vehicle in politics which satiates (sp) her appetite to increase her notoriety and bloat her self-importance, both of which (in her mind) insure her strangle-hold on her office. One thing is for sure: it doesn't seem to hurt her politically.
The witch wants it for her political legacy. I'd rather see her made Ambassador to Iraq. :evil: They need Automobile-Improvised Explosive Device control over there and she can legislate the AIEDs out of existence first. Then she'll have to get the camels & motorcycles. Then she'll have to get the bicycles outlawed. Afterwards the PIED (personnel) outlawed. Opps, no one can leave home in Iraq. Just the nanny-state that Feinstein can live with.
Eric Howard, spokesman for the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, said that just because there are no statistics to prove it does not mean the expiration of the ban hasn't had a negative effect.

That is just scary. How the can someone say that?
Feinstein wants AWB renewed

What else is new. I would be happy if the polis---tcans could define what an Assault Weapon is. It amazes me, that when polys like her claim all of their support from various "Police " Organizations, that when questioned about this so-called organization, no one claims ownership. :fire:
Feinstein is LOVED and SUPPORTED by the people of California, otherwise she wouldn't be constantly voted back in office.

Not everybody, it only takes one vote more to beat the other guy, if 49% don't want you but 51% do the 49% suffer.
There are times when I am ALMOST willing to move back to CA just so I can vote against her one more time.
she's one of the biggest elitist politicians i can think of. rumor is she has a CCW but doesn't want commoners to have firearms to protect themselves. :barf:
That isn't a rumor, spreadfire. For many years she was one of the only people (if not the only person) with a CCW in the city of San Francisco. Apparently she eventually stopped, but she has made statements in the past that were extremely brazen with regard to carrying. She claims to have been "trained in firearms" but apparently not well enough to keep her finger off the trigger of an AK while sweeping a room with it.
RavenVT100, did she stop carrying and no longer has a CCW? I've been trying to get that question answered without any success over at TFL. What is the full story on her in regards to this? Does anyone know?
The Bradies might be a bunch of marxists, but at least they stick to their guns.
Our guns, you mean... :banghead:

"That's clearly to attract a niche that's not your regular duck hunter."
If the reporter had bothered to learn how small the percentage of hunters is to gun-owning nonhunters (about 20% of gun owners are hunters), and of THAT 20% what fraction actually hunts ducks, he would have seen the total and complete irrelevance of that statement...

Since when is your average law-abiding gun owner "your regular duck hunter"?
Eric Howard, spokesman for the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, said ... "Now manufacturers are kicking it up and we're seeing things like fingerprint-proof resistant grips."

*** is a "fingerprint-proof resistant grip"?!

Is that a grip that's resistant to being fingerprint-proof? As in, you can't make it resist taking fingerprints?

I see that a number of posters seized on this particular bit of bulls#it, and I was drawn immediately to it as well. This jerkoff is obviously still trying to capitalize on the lies about the Tec-9 being marketed to criminals because its grips were "fingerprint-resistant" or something like that.

So tell me, is there any law that says that gun grips have to keep fingerprints on them, anyway?

Eric Howard, spokesman for the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, said that just because there are no statistics to prove it does not mean the expiration of the ban hasn't had a negative effect.

That is just scary. How the can someone say that?

Let 'em say absurdly stupid stuff like that.
Any person of intelligence can see that when a statement like that is made, it's like the guy is admitting that there is no logical basis for his position.

The fact that he just makes s#it up becomes ever more clear.

After all, ANYONE can make a claim, if he is going to purport that he doesn't need any statistical proof of it whatsoever for it to be true! Most intelligent people will recognize that only claims that DO have statistical proof are worth believing.

These anti-gun idiots are just causing themselves to be laughed into irrelevance.

Jeffrey, I hope you are right.

Keep in mind that the gun grabbers have the Socialist Mainstream Media behind them to twist their idiocy into propaganda which sounds reasonable to the average person.

They will, as they have in the past, only tell one side of the story.
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