Fiance doesn't believe in CCW! =o

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Sometimes living in a good neighborhood makes you a target, as we've all seen the tv news about home invasions. I live in a pretty nice neighborhood and it's happened there. I usually try to walk for a little exercise everyday and on Monday I found a 32 or 380 bullet in the street, it was mushroomed out and I was wondering when it was fired off. Couple of months back I found 380 and 9mm casings in the same area. So now I don't go out without my carry gun. As for the other issue with your wife to be, I've been married for 35yrs and everytime you comprimise you lose a little of youself and after a while you don't recognise yourself in the mirror. Of course that could be from putting on weight and getting gray.:neener: So get the ground rules laid out before the "I DO's" and just maybe it will all work out. The way I finally got my wife to accept that I carry is I told her if the police could protect me and her from anything bad happening to us, then why was there so much crime in the city.:eek:
The reason she's "okay" with firearms at home and in the car is that she has the the irrational feeling that these are inviolate "safe zones" where she believes you'll never need the gun anway.

Essentialy, she's okay with guns wherever she thinks she can be in condition white, because she thinks nothing will ever happen.

She's less secure on foot "out and about", however, this is where the emotional ill-logic continues. By the prior logic where she feels safe, she should want the gun near her where she feels the least safe. However, the opposite is true because she dosen't want you armed while out on foot as it makes her confront her feelings about being unsafe.

She feels so safe in the car and at home, that the presence and the need for self-defense dosen't shake her false world view of denial. When out on foot in public, her denial is on more shaky ground, and is more supceptible to being broken by the notion of going armed.

She is not afraid of you, your guns, or even of carry. She's terrified of being forced to acknowledge a world where you might need a gun.

All the advice about logic, getting her shooting so she know's firearms better and understands what they can and can't do, using Pax's excellent advice and materials is all very good….

However, in the meantime, you NEED to make it CLEAR in NO UNCERTAIN TERMS, that you WILL CARRY NOW, and AFTER you are married wherever it's legal for you to do so, and that it is NON-NEGOTIABLE, EVER. Because she's already emoting and not reasoning, you also need to make it clear that being married will not change things, and that having kids will not change things either.

And this conversation needs to happen as soon as possible.
How can someone not believe in guns? Um, they most certainly exist.

Sorry, pet peeve of mine.

Back to your regularly scheduled thread.
she can take me how I am or find herself a hippy.

Now there's an idea. I'm going to have to seriously consider forming an organisation called Armed Hippies or Hippies For Guns or something. How else am I supposed to defend the rainforest??? :D
Husker1911 said:
Better investigate what other essentials the two of you disagree upon. Now.

This is from that "Tennessee Buy-Back" Thread:
"I've been after him for 40 years to get rid of it," said Taylor, who was relieved to finally get the guns out of her Cordova home.

"We've talked about selling them but then where do they end up? Here I know they'll be destroyed," she said.

I agree with Husker. When I met my wife, she wasn't an anti, but she was unsure of gun related issues. Her biggest concern was that she had a 1yo daughter when we met. Now our daughter is 15, loves guns and knows all of the safety rules. Most importantly, she knows to never touch them on her own, but if she wants to see them, all she has to do is ask. Now my wife keeps a .357 in her night stand. I still can't get her to go recreational shooting with us, but she will go to practice with the .357. I think it helps that two of her siblings are pro-RKBA Law Enforcement Officers. I didn't have to tell her horror stories. They did.
Sorry to hear that. Thank god for my wife. She knew I wanted my CCW when it first passed, but the $$ wasn't there at the time. As soon as we were caught up with all our bills she paid for my class, the application fee, and even sent me to the gun show the following weekend to buy a new carry gun. She doesn't carry herself (she don't feel the need), but she knew how strongly I felt about it.
my policy is you don't have to like it, but you do have to live/deal with it. If it is something that is a part of who I am and you can't at the very least live with it you can't live with me.
How to convince her? Very carefully. If you come across as pushy and overbearing (even though she may be acting this way) it could make her less likely to listen to you.

Ask her why she believes what she does, she may find that she doesn't have any good reasons, just touchy/feely garbage or she may have some valid concerns. Then tell her why you believe what you do and make sure they're solid reasons. After you each understand the other's perspective, inform her that while you do care about her feelings and views on matters, you'll be carrying because of the reasons you provided her (if you still decide to). If she says my way or the highway, take the highway because this is unlikely to be your only disagreement.
Get Out Before You Commit

Life's too short, and marriage too long to have to put up with someone who does not share your core values and/or beliefs. It seems like a minor issue now perhaps. It won't be after a few years.
Think real carefully about what you are willing to give up. I carried when I first met my wife. Because I was self employed I sold most of my firearms to make ends meat. I stopped carrying because I only had full size service pistols left and they were uncomfortable to carry and she didn't want me leaving them locked in the car. Monday I bought a Kel-Tec .380. My wife had been putting a little money away here and there so I could buy some firearms again. I thought that this was really cool that she would do that. Anyway I showed her the pistol yesterday and she asked why it was so small. I told her it was for CC and that didn't go over well. She said that she never liked me carrying and that she thought it was just a phase. I guess what I'm saying is, make your intentions very clear. Don't let there be any doubt in her mind where you stand. She will eather live with it or not and you will eather live with her decision or not. It's not fair for you or her to not deal with it now if it is a major issue. I made my bed now I have to figure out what to do. Thanks to everyone for the insight. I'm sure there are a few of us in this boat.
Magic Words:

Fifty Per Cent.
If you marry her, and you end up divorcing (the national average is above 66%, and that is without the acknowledged "issue" in play here)...

Then she gets 50% of what ever you own(ed), now and for "a while".

Also, if she wants to be a "bee-otch" or her lawyer is likewise, one Restraining Order (justified or not) and your gun ownership is the stroke of a pen.

Work this out beforehand, or regret at your leisure.

Do a search if you want some truly scary first-hand accounts.

Good Luck and let us know how it works out. Happy Endings are truly welcome, but all too rare.
My brother learned the hard way that "Opposites Attract" is a pleasant, whimsical way to dismiss inconvenient truths about a relationship doomed for failure.

He was willing to shrug off her anti-gun, liberal comments when they got married, because they found each other so interesting, having come from such different backgrounds. Also, she was extremely hot. (lol)

They stumbled along together until the first kid came. Now he's in a world of hurt, as she tries to impress the child with her views, all the while deriding his as "evil, heartless conservatism." Even though she's half-kidding, and says so with a smile.

Poor kid. I have a feeling things will get worse before they get better.

Why stack the deck against yourself from the start? Why not start with a girl that is closer to your own beliefs?

Good luck. I mean that sincerely.
My fiance just today told me that she doesn't think that I should carry for protection. She agrees it is a good thing to have a handgun for defense in the car and in the house.... however she just simply doesn't agree with actually carrying on my person.
My mother said the same thing to me. I said to her, "So then you're going to follow me wherever I go and 'protect' me?" That ended the conversation and it hasn't come up again.
Captain America said:
Oh, I plan to, anyway. I just need to figure out a way to make her see the light. Surely some of you guys have run into this problem... How did you do it?
You cannot "make" her see the light -- or do anything she is not prepared to do. Nor do you have any right to attempt doing so. If you feel you have a "right" to try to change her mind on this or any other issue, then in fairness you MUST be willing to accept that she has an equal right to try to change your mind on this or any other issue where you two disagree.

Sometime very soon the two of you will have to decide if this is a deal-breaker or not. If so, it's better to cancel the wedding than to wait a few years, have some kids, and settle it in divorce court.
Also, if she wants to be a "bee-otch" or her lawyer is likewise, one Restraining Order (justified or not) and your gun ownership is the stroke of a pen.

This is probably the MOST important point anyone has brought up.

Domestic restraining orders are unbelieveably EASY to obtain. One fight, some harsh language, her feeling "unsafe" around you -- a gun 'nut' and a judge will FOREVER take away your gun rights!

Don't believe me. Read about it at the Equal Justice Foundation of Colorado.

This is about CORE values of the 2nd Amendment and self defense. Let's be honest, she and you don't share these values (along with the basic principles of politics!). This is VERY important and I would say that unless one of you completely and voluntarily changes your attitudes on these core values, I would bet 50 to 1 that your marriage will end in a divorce.

Harsh, yes. Reality. Yes. These are CORE values my friend and you can't just frivolously change yourself or your fiances values. They are ingrained. Imagine changing your values... It's not possible. Now imagine trying to change hers. It simply isn't going to happen.
Wow. Some of you guys manage to jump to the "dump her" conclusion rather quickly. One disagreement and not even an attempt to reconsile it? Are any of y'all so quick to dismiss Capt. America's relationship married yourselves?

CA's already stated she doesn't have a problem with guns in the house or the car. She's expressed interest in owning her own pistol. And she's not "putting her foot down," she just disagrees with him.

Seems to me she's already most of the way there. I mean, how many anecdotes do we have on THR about wives that weren't all that hot about their husbands' hobbies, but eventually became gunnies themselves? More than a few I believe.
I think your wife and my wife need to meet up. When we're caught up with the bills and such, I can only hope the lady of the house will treat me to a present like that!

Thankfully she knows that as soon as our finances permit, I'll be buying that carry piece and getting the appropriate certifications.
Thank you Erinyes. It seems we have some bitter folks in here. ;)

We're not breaking up. And her discomfort with the situation is due to innocent ignorance. She elaborated a bit when we were talking about it and she doesn't see the need for me to carry to formal occasions now. Its a bit more specific now. That's a lot less of a hurdle to jump now. I am a bit more idealistic than most when it comes to the meaning of a relationship, I suppose.

She's not a gun grabber, an anti or your typical demo/lib. She just needs education and time to adjust, just like any intelligent woman. :)
Not bitter. Realistic.

Way too many "been there, done that"s. This is a regular topic of conversation here.

Did you do a search as I recommended in the previous post? If not, then you are in denial, and you do not really want input, but only re-affirmation.

Many of us have wished you good luck, and for a good reason. You will need it.
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