First time at a gun show

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I can't wait until gun shows combine their two most common attributes into a single overpriced beef jerky gun that will blow a limb clean off.
Good place to look for range bags, magazine holders, gun rugs. Great place to people watch. It's not as red-necky as I expected.
You'll see 500 identical Glocks for sale, and 500 AR's or AK's. I actually bought a gun at a gun show, but the price was right. In my area, the mega dealer is selling so fast, they have people on Segways just to move around.
Probably not a great place to take a date, or an anti-gun friend.
If you are in the market for a home defense handgun, look at Taurus model 608 (revolver), and model (99pt) semi-auto. The CZ-75B (another maker) is also a good home defense handgun. Anyway, there are more bad models on the market than good. Keep that fact in mind.
Well all right. I'll be sure to make a great first impression when I'm there and ask around about the new beef jerkey gun and see if they have the teriyaki
.45 acp.:)
Well, I went to my first gunshow yesterday and there was no beef jerkey. Needless to say, I was disappointed.
I too have just become interested in guns and tag along with the men in my family when they go to a gunshow. My first gunshow was very exciting and I was able to handle several guns. There are many people there who enjoy answering questions, so do not be shy to ask anything. The only thing I could think of that you shouldn't do is point a gun at anyone while handling it. Anyhow, have fun. It is a great experience.
If you find a particular dealer pleasant, be sure to ask for their business card. At least around here, most of the dealers will have cards.

Remember the rules of being a good customer:

1. Ask before touching. "May I see _____?"

2. Verify the firearm is unloaded.

3. Keep the muzzle pointed in a safe direction, usually down.

4. If you want to look through the sights, keep the firearm pointed down in a safe direction when you do.

5. Return the firearm with the muzzle down and action locked open. (Might be my paranoia, but idiots occasionally load guns at gun shows and return them. It's happened here in PA.)

6. Say thank you.

If, after handling, they ask if you want to buy it, ask for the price and a business card if you think you might want to purchase it. Jot the price/model down on the card, and tell them you're interested but need to think on it.

Before buying anything, you should check current pricing to make sure you aren't overpaying. Don't worry about losing out on the gun, there are plenty more just like it. Once you know its worth and what you're willing to pay, go back to the guy and start dealing. ;)
JeffDilla: [Well, I went to my first gunshow yesterday and there was no beef jerkey. Needless to say, I was disappointed.


(Say it like Mr. Howell on Gilligan's Island) I say, you've got to attend a higher class gun show! :neener:

Overall the gun show was a good experience. I went with a buddy of mine, we got to handle plenty of guns, and he bought a box of ammo. I guess its a law here in Maine that the action on a gun has to be held open with plastic ties, so testing the action wasnt an option. I saw a couple of colt police positives for sale, apparently in pretty good condition for less than $200/piece and I was tempted, but I kept my cool. I had a good time though
A gun show without beef jerky? Are you sure? I've never seen such a thing.

In Maine you should have beef jerky, moose jerky, and bear jerky.
Here in Texas we have beef, buffalo, deer/elk/etc. and occasionally turkey jerky. (I may have missed one or more, but it varies show-to-show. No armadillo jerky yet, but I wouldn't be surprised to see it next month.)

I think you should talk to the promoter, as this is likely a violation of Federal Law, if not local ordinance... :)
Speaking of various jerkys (jerkies?), I worked on a lobster boat for a summer about 7 years ago and we'd take the cod that we'd catch in the traps and put it in a dehydrator and make fish jerky. I didn't care for it, but a lot of the fisherman loved it.
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